Scientific services contracts - requests for proposal
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Scientific services contracts - requests for proposal

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TxDOT's environmental affairs division manages its contracts by issuing requests for proposals (RFPs) to solicit proposals from service providers. The division issues contracts pursuant to the Texas Transportation Code, Chapter 223, Subchapter D, and 43 TAC §§9.80-9.88. When RFPs are available, service providers may download the RFP from the Electronic State Business Daily after it is posted. A letter of interest must be submitted upon downloading the RFP.

Find the schedule of TxDOT Environmental Affairs contracts.

Upcoming requests for proposals:

Statewide Archeological Survey Services


TxDOT’s Environmental Affairs Division anticipates issuing an RFP soliciting proposals for indefinite deliverable contracts for the archeological survey and related services. It is for the performance of archeological survey and related archeological services to fulfill TxDOT’s obligations under state and federal statutes as set forth in a Memorandum of Understanding with the Texas Historical Commission, the Programmatic Agreement among the Federal Highway Administration, the Texas Department of Transportation, the Texas State Historic Preservation Officer and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation regarding the Implementation of Transportation Undertakings. Services may include: writing background studies, conducting pedestrian surveys, performing field investigation and subsequent reporting, conducting archeological site definition and evaluation, performing survey-level historical research, intensive shovel-test pit survey services, intensive mechanical trenching/mechanical scraping services, and power auger probe services. The RFP announcement will be posted on Texas Smartbuy (ESBD) during February 2025. RFPs will not be released prior to posting to ESBD.

Statewide Karst Services

TxDOT’s Environmental Affairs Division anticipates issuing an RFP soliciting proposals for indefinite deliverable, scientific services contracts for conducting karst services and producing karst and geological documentation required for development of transportation facilities under federal and state statutes set forth in the NEPA (42 USC 4321-4347), the ESA, as amended (7 USC 136; 16 USC 460 et seq.), and other applicable rules, regulations, and laws. Services may include: Karst Habitat Assessments, Karst Terrain Surveys, Excavation, Presence/Absence Surveys and Reporting; Geologic Assessments and Reporting; Solution Feature Discovery Notification Forms and Closure Plans; Edwards Aquifer Protection Plans; Groundwater Analysis and Technical Reporting; Other Protected Karst/Aquifer Species Habitat Analysis, Presence/Absence Surveys, and Reporting; and Biological Assessments/Biological Evaluations. The RFP announcement will be posted on Texas Smartbuy (ESBD) during early February 2025. RFPs will not be released prior to posting to ESBD.

Statewide Archeological General Services

TxDOT’s Environmental Affairs Division anticipates issuing an RFP soliciting proposals for four indefinite deliverable contracts for the archeological general services. Services include archeological related services to fulfill TxDOT’s requirements for transportation activities under federal and state statutes as set forth in a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Texas Historical Commission (THC) and TxDOT, and a Programmatic Agreement among the Federal Highway Administration, the Texas Department of Transportation, the Texas State Historic Preservation Officer and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Regarding the Implementation of Transportation Undertakings. Services may include: Antiquities Permit Procurements, Test Excavation Fieldwork, Data Recovery Fieldwork, Cemetery Investigation, Burial Exhumation, Analytical Unit Definition, Research Design, Digital Records Preparation, Curation Preparation, all required reporting and other archeological services. The RFP announcement will be posted on Texas Smartbuy (ESBD) during July 2025. RFPs will not be released prior to posting to ESBD.

Statewide Environmental Documentation and Technical Services

TxDOT’s Environmental Affairs Division anticipates issuing an RFP soliciting proposals for indefinite deliverable contracts for performing environmental documentation and other environmental services. Services include production of environmental documentation and technical services for transportation activities identified under 23 CFR 771, 43 TAC Part 1, Chapter 2 and other regulations related to compliance with federal and state environmental standards. The RFP will be posted on Texas Smartbuy (ESBD) during August 2025. RFPs will not be released prior to posting to ESBD.

Statewide Environmental Consulting Services – Hazardous Materials

TxDOT’s Environmental Affairs Division anticipates issuing an RFP soliciting proposals for indefinite deliverable, scientific services contracts for performing all non-engineering related work necessary to complete hazardous material initial environmental site assessments which may include: Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments, risk-based assessment investigations and evaluations, preventative action/corrective action plans, and project oversight for impacts to TxDOT facilities and right-of-ways stateside. The RFP announcement will be posted on Texas Smartbuy (ESBD) during October 2025. RFPs will not be released prior to posting to ESBD.

Statewide Biological General Services

TxDOT’s Environmental Affairs Division anticipates issuing an RFP soliciting proposals for indefinite deliverable, scientific services contracts for performing statewide biological services required for transportation activities under federal and state statutes. Services may include: surveys/assessments of protected species and/or habitat of protected species, analysis of stream modifications and associated habitats, biological analysis to support the ESA, section 7 consultation with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, preparation of an ESA Biological Assessment or Evaluation or ESA section 10a permit, biological analysis to support impact characterization including habitat and species surveys of migratory birds; biological analysis to support Essential Fish Habitat (EFH) consultations and assessment preparation, coordination with state and federal resource agencies, data mining from federal state or local entities, universities and/or other resources as necessary to complete the species/habitat assessment, preparation of biology related sections for environmental documents including NEPA, habitat assessments and other biological support services. The RFP announcement will be posted on Texas Smartbuy (ESBD) during October 2025. RFPs will not be released prior to posting to ESBD.

Statewide Environmental Stormwater Services

TxDOT’s Environmental Affairs Division anticipates issuing an RFP soliciting proposals for indefinite deliverable, scientific services contracts for performing environmental stormwater services as required for transportation activities under state and federal statutes including Sections 402 and 303 of the Clean Water Act, 30 TAC, Chapter 213 and all related statutes and standards related to compliance with stormwater environmental rules and regulations. Services may include: outfall mapping and verification, performing field surveys including dry weather and wet weather outfall screening, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) inspections and screening, construction general permit (CGP) inspections, non-engineering spill prevention planning, field data collection, data post-processing, data evaluation, data reporting, producing reports, providing technical support, creating tools, templates, and manuals, conducting public notices, and providing assistance in support of TxDOT’s compliance with federal and state statutes and regulations related to compliance with and implementation of stormwater environmental standards and other tasks required in the NPDES or TPDES Permits. Additional services required to fulfill the State’s obligations and facilitate the State’s compliance with federal and state environmental stormwater requirements may also be requested under this contract. The RFP announcement will be posted on Texas Smartbuy (ESBD) during January 2026. RFPs will not be released prior to posting to ESBD.