Project Tracker

Project Tracker
View Project Tracker video tutorial.
This application is best viewed:
- From your desktop
- With Firefox or Chrome, or Internet Explorer 11 with compatibility mode turned off.
Project Tracker is the gateway to information about more than 11,000 TxDOT projects, providing 24/7-access to the public, employees and elected officials.
- You can view projects by:
- Highway
- Project ID
- TxDOT district
- County or state/federal legislative district
- As a project develops, its status may change from planning to design to construction.
- Project updates occur weekly and are retrieved from TxDOT systems daily. Data and schedules can change as information is updated.
- Many of these projects are very large and complex, so changes in funding and regional priorities can affect their status.
View our implementation plan to learn more about how we continue to expand and update this online tool.
We welcome your feedback! After clicking the Project Tracker icon above, you can share your comments with TxDOT using the “Contact Us” link at the top of the page.
Joint trenching opportunities
If you are a broadband provider and looking for joint trenching opportunities, please visit our Project Tracker to identify possible opportunities. Please reach out to the appropriate district contact to identify potential joint trenching opportunities.
Municipal annexation of a TxDOT right of way
If you are a municipality and looking to provide notice of an annexation of a contiguous or connecting TxDOT right of way under Local Government Code 43.1056, email TxDOT’s Right of Way Division. Please put Notice of Municipal Annexation in the subject line.
Related information
- Unified Transportation Program
- Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan
- Texas Freight Mobility Plan
- Plans Online
View a comprehensive list of Transportation Planning Publications.
For information on:
- Highway road conditions, visit DriveTexas™
- How we're addressing congestion, visit TexasClearLanes