TxDOT performance results summary
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TxDOT performance results summary

Data and maps

Each biennium, the Texas Legislature establishes agency performance targets in the General Appropriations Act. The tables below contain the TxDOT budgetary performance measures for the FY 2022-2023 biennium enacted in SB 1 (87th Regular Session, 2021) and the results for FY 2023 as reported to the Legislative Budget Board in September 2023. They are organized by the agency's budget structure.

Performance is indicated by the following:

  • Red - 5% or more below target
  • Yellow - within 5% of target
  • Green - meets or exceeds target


2023-2024 performance

Project development and delivery

Measure Type AY 2023 target AY 2023 result Performance indicator
Percent of design projects delivered on time Outcome 95% 83% red light
Percent of construction projects completed on budget Outcome 85% 79% red light
Percent of two-lane highways 26 feet or wider in paved width Outcome 53.63% 56.63% green light
Percent of construction projects completed on time Outcome 65% 67% green light
Number of construction plans processed for statewide construction letting Output 718 980 green light
Dollar volume of construction contracts awarded (millions) Output $6,919 $9,689 green light
Number of construction contracts awarded Output 693 965 green light

Routine system maintenance

Measure Type AY 2023 target AY 2023 result Performance indicator
Bridge inventory condition score Outcome 88.5 89.06 green light
Percent of highway pavements in good or better condition Outcome 90% 89.7% yellow light
Number of highway lane miles contracted for resurfacing Output 19,000 22,099 green light
Number of highway lane miles resurfaced by state forces Output 6,500 5,198 red Light

Optimize services and systems

Measure Type AY 2023 target AY 2023 result Performance indicator
Percent change in the number of small urban and rural transit trips Outcome 1% 12.5% green light
Number of fatalities per 100,000,000 miles traveled Outcome 1.22 1.51 red light
Percent of general aviation airport pavement in good or excellent condition Outcome 74% 74% green light
Number of grants approved for airports selected for financial assistance Output 70 41 red light

Enhance rail transportation

Measure Type AY 2023 target AY 2023 result Performance indicator
Number of Federal Railroad Administration units inspected Output 119,000 134,449 Green Light