Texas Department of Motor Vehicles

Vehicle registration
Your vehicle registration sticker displays your license plate number, county of registration and partial vehicle identification number. This customization helps protect you against theft and fraud.
Register your vehicle
Application for Texas title and/or registration (130-U)
County tax assessor-collector offices provide most vehicle title and registration services.
Download form 130-U
Bill of sale of motor vehicle
For more information go to Texas Department of Motor Vehicles page featuring county tax offices.
Bill of sale
Change of address
When changing an address online, be ready to provide the vehicle's license plate number and last four digits of the Vehicle Identification Number(VIN).
Change of address online
Get a copy of your vehicle title
If a title is lost or destroyed, you may obtain a certified copy of title.
TxDMV instructions
License plates
As part of your vehicle registration you are issued a set of general-issue license plates.
Genral-issued license and specialty plates
Title transfer (VTR-346)
Vehicles are required to be titled in the buyer's name within 30 days from the date of sale.
Download form VTR-346Texas Department of Public Safety

Driver license, commercial driver license, and driving permits
The Texas Department of Public Safety issues driver licenses that are valid for up to eight years to Texas residents.
Driver license
Driver record
You may order a driver record for a Texas driver license, commercial driver license, or identification card online or by mail.
Order a driver record