Contract Administration
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Contract Administration

The goal of Contract Administration is to ensure that all work is being administered in accordance with the contact specifications, terms and conditions, state and federal laws and regulations, and Department policy.

Contract award and execution

CST’s Construction and Maintenance Contract Letting Section (CMCL) is responsible for executing the contract after the Texas Transportation Commission concurs with recommendation to award. CMCL collects all bonds, insurances, and clearances prior to execution of the contract. Initiation of construction phase of a project occurs once the contract is signed and executed with the selected bidder. TxDOT’s Districts oversee the construction phase and maintains oversight responsibility during construction through completion of their projects.

Preconstruction conference meeting

Soon after the contract is awarded and executed, a preconstruction conference meeting should be held between TxDOT, the contractor, key project personnel and subcontractors to review their respective contract requirements and responsibilities throughout the construction phase of the project. The meeting must be held prior to the commencement of work.

Contract administration is a complex activity, with many required tasks to address all applicable state, and federal requirements. Recommended items for consideration, as appropriate, within the contract administration activities:

  • Contract time
  • Environmental concerns
  • Inspection
  • Progress Payments
  • Quality Assurance Program
  • Records
  • Specification compliance
  • Statements and payrolls
  • Supervision and staffing
  • Subcontracting
  • Termination of contract
  • Time extensions
