Construction recordkeeping and auditing resources
Construction recordkeepers and auditors play an important role in ensuring that all work is being administered in accordance with the contact specifications, terms and conditions, state and federal laws and regulations, and TxDOT policy.
This page provides resources to assist recordkeepers and records auditors with maintaining compliant construction records to improve the recordkeeping quality, uniformity, and processes for TxDOT.
- District Audit Template and Schedule
- ProjectWise File Index
- SiteManager Checklist Events, Key Dates and Critical Dates Guidance Document
- LCPtracker
- Project Records Checklist
- Prompt Payment Requirements for Design-Bid-Build Highway Contracts
- Buy America/BABA requirements
- Construction forms
- SiteManager forms
- Material Producer List
- Diversity Management System (DMS)
- AASHTOWare Project Construction & Materials
Training resources
- 2024 Annual Recordkeeper Meeting slides and Q&A
- ProjectWise file index presentation
- Instructional videos related to recordkeeping responsibilities
- Job Aids (pending)
- CEI SiteManager Training slides (pending)