Service centers
The Professional Engineering Procurement Services (PEPS) Division is responsible for procuring engineering, architectural and surveying services for transportation projects through professional services contracts. The division also manages the agency’s consultant budget, identifying transportation projects that require additional resources.
PEPS Administration
PEPS Support Centers
San Antonio District
- Atascosa
- Bandera
- Bexar
- Comal
- Frio
- Guadalupe
- Kendall
- Kerr
- McMullen
- Medina
- Uvalde
- Wilson
Houston District
- Brazoria
- Fort Bend
- Galveston
- Harris
- Montgomery
- Waller
Fort Worth District
- Erath
- Hood
- Jack
- Johnson
- Palo Pinto
- Parker
- Somervell
- Tarrant
- Wise
El Paso District
- Brewster
- Culberson
- El Paso
- Hudspeth
- Jeff Davis
- Presidio
Dallas District
- Collin
- Dallas
- Denton
- Ellis
- Kaufman
- Navarro
- Rockwall
Austin District
- Bastrop
- Blanco
- Burnet
- Caldwell
- Gillespie
- Hays
- Llano
- Mason
- Travis
- Williamson
Austin District
Wichita Falls District
- Archer
- Baylor
- Clay
- Cooke
- Montague
- Throckmorton
- Wichita
- Wilbarger
- Young
Waco District
- Bell
- Bosque
- Coryell
- Falls
- Hamilton
- Hill
- Limestone
- McLennan
Tyler District
- Anderson
- Cherokee
- Gregg
- Henderson
- Rusk
- Smith
- Van Zandt
- Wood
San Angelo District
- Coke
- Concho
- Crockett
- Edwards
- Glasscock
- Irion
- Kimble
- Menard
- Reagan
- Real
- Runnels
- Schleicher
- Sterling
- Sutton
- Tom Green
Pharr District
- Brooks
- Cameron
- Hidalgo
- Jim Hogg
- Kenedy
- Starr
- Willacy
- Zapata
Paris District
- Delta
- Fannin
- Franklin
- Grayson
- Hopkins
- Hunt
- Lamar
- Rains
- Red River
Odessa District
- Andrews
- Crane
- Ector
- Loving
- Martin
- Midland
- Pecos
- Reeves
- Terrell
- Upton
- Ward
- Winkler
Lubbock District
- Bailey
- Castro
- Cochran
- Crosby
- Dawson
- Floyd
- Gaines
- Garza
- Hale
- Hockley
- Lamb
- Lubbock
- Lynn
- Parmer
- Swisher
- Terry
- Yoakum
Lufkin District
- Angelina
- Houston
- Nacogdoches
- Polk
- Sabine
- San Augustine
- San Jacinto
- Shelby
- Trinity
Laredo District
- Dimmit
- Duval
- Kinney
- La Salle
- Maverick
- Val Verde
- Webb
- Zavala
Corpus Christi District
- Aransas
- Bee
- Goliad
- Jim Wells
- Karnes
- Kleberg
- Live Oak
- Nueces
- Refugio
- San Patricio
Childress District
- Briscoe
- Childress
- Collingsworth
- Cottle
- Dickens
- Donley
- Foard
- Hall
- Hardeman
- King
- Knox
- Motley
- Wheeler
Bryan District
- Brazos
- Burleson
- Freestone
- Grimes
- Leon
- Madison
- Milam
- Robertson
- Walker
- Washington
Brownwood District
- Brown
- Coleman
- Comanche
- Eastland
- Lampasas
- McCulloch
- Mills
- San Saba
- Stephens
Beaumont District
- Hardin
- Jasper
- Jefferson
- Liberty
- Newton
- Orange
Atlanta District
- Bowie
- Camp
- Cass
- Harrison
- Marion
- Morris
- Panola
- Titus
- Upshur
Abilene District
- Borden
- Callahan
- Fisher
- Haskell
- Howard
- Jones
- Kent
- Mitchell
- Nolan
- Scurry
- Shackelford
- Stonewall
- Taylor
Yoakum District
- Austin
- Calhoun
- Colorado
- DeWitt
- Fayette
- Gonzales
- Jackson
- Lavaca
- Matagorda
- Victoria
- Wharton
Stassney Headquarters
- Alternative Delivery Division (ALD)
- Bridge Division (BRG)
- Construction Division (CST)
- Design Division (DES)
- Environmental Affairs Division (ENV)
- Government Affairs Division (GOV)
- Maintenance Division (MNT)
- Maritime Division (MRD)
- Materials and Tests Division (MTD)
- Project Finance, Debt, and Strategic Contracts Division (PFD)
- Public Transportation Division (PTN)
- Rail Division (RRD)
- Strategic Initiatives and Innovation (STR)
- Support Services Division (SSD)
- Traffic Safety Division (TRF)
- Transportation Planning and Programming Division (TPP)
- Transportation Programs Division (TPD)
Amarillo District
- Armstrong
- Carson
- Dallam
- Deaf Smith
- Gray
- Hansford
- Hartley
- Hemphill
- Hutchinson
- Lipscomb
- Moore
- Ochiltree
- Oldham
- Potter
- Randall
- Roberts
- Sherman
The PEPS Administration is responsible for the management and oversight of all division functions.
Austin Service Center
The PEPS Austin Service Center is responsible for procuring contracts, providing contract administration, and supporting the development of work authorizations in the Austin District.
Business Operations Center
This section is responsible for the administrative processes of the division such as administrative qualifications, budget administration and analysis, and communications and facilities.
Center of Contract Utilization
The Center of Contract Utilization (CCU) is responsible to optimize the utilization of all indefinite deliverable contracts procured on behalf of our internal customers, the districts, and divisions, and provide outreach to internal and external customers. Additionally, the PEPS CCU will collaborate with the service centers during the development of the yearly PEPS Fiscal Year Procurement Plan.
Center of Excellence
The Center of Excellence (COE) is responsible for implementing best practices, training, template development, performance measurements, continuous improvement initiatives, consultant firms pre-certification, procedures, and guidance for the procurement processes of the division.
Central Service Center
The PEPS Central Service Center is responsible for procuring contracts, providing contract administration, and supporting the development of work authorizations in all the rural districts, Abilene, Amarillo, Atlanta, Beaumont, Brownwood, Bryan, Childress, Corpus Christi, Laredo, Lubbock, Lufkin, Odessa, Paris, Pharr, San Angelo, Tyler, Waco, Wichita Falls and Yoakum.
Controls Center
The Controls Center (COC) is responsible for developing and governing PEPS tableau dashboards, monitoring performance and consistency in contract selection, negotiation, and management, while conducting reviews on the effectiveness of division processes, services, and staff.
Dallas Service Center
The PEPS Dallas Service Center is responsible for procuring contracts, providing contract administration, and supporting the development of work authorizations in the Dallas District.
DRIVE Program
The DRIVE (Diverse Relationships for Informative Value Exchange) Center is responsible for the development and implementation of TxDOT's mentoring program for HUB/DBE firms providing professional services.
El Paso Service Center
The PEPS El Paso Service Center is responsible for procuring contracts, providing contract administration, and supporting the development of work authorizations in the El Paso District.
Fort Worth Service Center
The PEPS Fort Worth Service Center is responsible for procuring contracts, providing contract administration, and supporting the development of work authorizations in the Fort Worth District.
Houston Service Center
The PEPS Houston Service Center is responsible for procuring contracts, providing contract administration, and supporting the development of work authorizations in the Houston District.
Invoice Center
The Invoice Center is responsible for overseeing the review and on-time payment of professional engineering procurement invoices for the division.
Negotiations Center
The Negotiations Center is responsible for the development of the annual negotiation rates.
San Antonio Service Center
The PEPS San Antonio Service Center is responsible for procuring contracts, providing contract administration, and supporting the development of work authorizations in the San Antonio District.
Service Center for Divisions
The PEPS Service Center for Divisions is responsible for procuring contracts, providing contract administration, and supporting the development of work authorizations for TxDOT divisions.
Support Services Center
The Support Services Center is responsible for providing various support services to the Contract Specialists in the nine service centers including the execution of time extensions/reductions for all ID contracts and work authorizations, global supplemental agreements, and performing Commercially Useful Function (CUF) Reviews and Prompt Pay Reviews.