Emergency Relief Program
State and local government agencies may have the opportunity to seek federal funding to restore public facilities severely damaged in a declared disaster. TxDOT’s role in supporting each federal agency’s emergency relief program is noted below.
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
FHWA offers an emergency relief program for the repair or reconstruction of federal-aid highways and roads which have suffered serious damage as a result of natural disasters or catastrophic failures from an external cause. TxDOT administers the program for Texas. Learn more.
- Program Overview and Eligibility
- Emergency Relief Manual
- Emergency Relief Questions and Answers
- Texas Division
Use TxDOT’s Statewide Planning Map to determine if a roadway is eligible.
- Access the map.
- Click “I Accept.”
- Click “Functional Classification & Urban Areas” located in the left navigation under "Overlays."
- Click “Legend” in the top-left navigation. Eligible roadways are interstate, principal arterial, other principal arterial, minor arterial and major collector.
Review the following videos for a basic overview of the emergency relief process.
- Emergency Relief Program Overview and Eligibility
- Initial Steps for Requesting
- Steps for Receiving Reimbursement of Emergency Relief Expenses
- Emergency Versus Permanent Repairs
Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA)
For each event, FEMA application procedures for state and local governments are explained at a series of federal/state applicant briefings in the affected area by recovery officials. FEMA directly administrates its emergency relief program. TxDOT coordinates with FEMA but does not administer the program. Learn more.
- Public Assistance: Local, State, Tribal and Private Non-Profit
- Public Assistance: Policy and Guidance
- Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide
- Policy, Guidance and Fact Sheets
Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
FTA’s emergency relief program provides assistance to public transit operators in the aftermath of an emergency or major disaster when funds are appropriated by Congress. When FTA emergency relief funding is available for specific disasters, TxDOT will contact eligible public transportation agencies with instructions for grant applications. Learn More.

Additional federal resources
Federal-aid essentials for local public agenciesContact us
Email us for additional information on these programs.