Transit Federal and State Procurement Management
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Transit Federal and State Procurement Management


As a recipient of Federal Transit Administration (FTA) funds, TxDOT's Public Transportation Division (PTN) is responsible for providing project oversight to ensure compliance with Federal and State regulations. All subrecipients of this funding must demonstrate that their procurement and third party contracting activities comply with applicable federal requirements such as two CFR 200 uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards; FTA Circular 4220.1F – Third Party Contracting Guidance; Texas Administration Code and the State Management Plan.

The following information provides basic guidance on required federal and state solicitation clauses, the various types of procurements most commonly completed by subrecipients, and Q&As for commonly asked questions.

To view the transit asset management guidelines, visit the guidelines page

Procurement guidance

  • Procurement
    The Procurement section provides an overview of the following key procurement components that are necessary for compliance with state and federal guidelines: procurement thresholds, fundamentals of procurement, written procurement history, procurement methods, solicitation requirements, and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. This section includes a summary of each component and helpful FTA links to additional resources. 
  • Rolling stock
    The Rolling stock section explains the various state and federal requirements associated with rolling stock purchases. These requirements include pre-award and post-delivery certifications, Transit Vehicle Manufacturers, Altoona Testing, federal and state clauses. In addition to this information, the section includes lien recording instructions and other helpful FTA links to additional resources. This page provides an overview of vehicle procurement clauses, vehicle related helpful links, and vehicle specifications for procurement.
  • Materials and supplies
    This page provides an overview of federal and state requirements specific to materials and supplies procurements.
  • Professional services
    This page provides examples of commonly procured professional services, federal, and state requirements and guidelines that only relate to this type of procurement.
  • Transit related construction projects
    This page provides information on the facility development process, disadvantaged business enterprises, deeds of trust recording, federal and state requirements related to transit-related construction procurements, and other helpful FTA construction links.
  • Policy, requirements, and resources
    Links to important FTA clauses related to procurement and federal regulations governing the transit industry.
  • Common procurement questions
    A summary of frequently asked procurement questions.