Broadband Program
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Broadband Program

Connect with TxDOT Broadband program to learn about opportunities to build fiber infrastructure across Texas

Launched in 2023 and jointly sponsored by the Right of Way and Information Technology Divisions, the TxDOT Broadband Program is responsible for administering the agency's broadband program. To deploy infrastructure and reduce costs to Texas, collaboration between public and private partners is vital. TxDOT Broadband Program will:

Connect. Build. Learn.

Resources for broadband providers

Broadband program notifications

On December 3, 2021, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published the Broadband Infrastructure Deployment Final Rule to Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations Part 645. In this document, FHWA “aims to facilitate the installation of broadband infrastructure.”

Requirements of the State include establishing a registration process for broadband providers to be notified of the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) on an annual basis. Communication of the annual STIP allows an opportunity to coordinate broadband infrastructure installation in state rights of way.

Please use the link below to register as part of TxDOT’s Broadband Infrastructure Coordination notifications.

To comply with FHWA’s Final Ruling, as outlined above, this process for broadband companies registers you to receive information about TxDOT’s STIP on an annual basis. TxDOT's current STIP can be found here.

Broadband projects

Image for the Broadband Projects Upgrade Vertical Card
Big Bang Bandwidth Upgrades


Status: Green

Upgrade of bandwidth capacity to all TxDOT District Offices, Area Offices, Maintenance Offices, Border Inspection Facilities, and Travel Information Centers.

  • 90% locations upgraded statewide
  • All locations will be ordered through Texan cooperative contract
  • <5% locations will recieve a business class fiber or satellite connection, rather than dedicated solution

Target Completion: End Q2 2025

Image for the Project Safety Portion in the Vertical Card
El Paso Rest Area Safety Grant


Status: Green

$6 million in Coronavirus Capital Project Funds were awarded to the El Paso (ELP) district to provide public Wi-Fi access to six safety rest areas (SRA).

  • IH 10 E Van Horn
  • IH 10 Fabens
  • IH 10 Fort Hancock

Target Completion: End Q4 2026

Image for the Broadband Projects Satellite in the Vertical Card
Alternate Solutions - Satellite


Status: Green

TxDOT’s Lee County Maintenance Office in Lincoln, TX will serve as the pilot site to install low earth orbit satellite to provide the site’s broadband services. If successful, the solution will become available to other rural state locations that are unable to procure a fiber solution.

Target Completion: Q1 2025

Connect with the Broadband Program and learn how to combine technology and road infrastructure in projects.  Have a project incorporating broadband expansion to highlight? Contact us.

Events calendar

TxDOT Utility Week

Join us for TxDOT Utility Week, December 2-5, 2024.

Past events

  • Texas Rural Broadband Association (TSTCI/TRBA)
  • Transportation Short Course
  • TxDOT Utility Week (2023)
  • Texas Innovation Alliance
  • Texas Chapter - Utility Engineering and Survey Institute (UESI)
  • ITS America
  • ITS Texas
  • High Ground of Texas Annual Meeting
  • Texas Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Summit

Rules, regulations, policies

Frequently asked questions

Contact the District Utility Coordinator for your project. Contractors will be working with the districts for most of the permitting and construction process. 

Allow at least 90 days to receive the necessary permit for the project.  

TxDOT will require adequate depth of cover for underground installations (4-ft longitudinal and 5-ft crossing minimum) and adequate overhead clearance for aerial installations (18-ft minimum). Dimensions are measured from the top of the road surface. 

The Right of Way Division at TxDOT uses an online application called the Right of Way Utility and Leasing Information System (RULIS) for utility permitting and leasing. For more information, login to RULIS here

Training and Job aid documents for RULIS can be found here

Advanced railroad coordination is strongly recommended and may be essential for funding consideration. Obtaining railroad approval can take several months. Coordination with a railroad is a requirement for all projects that are within 50 feet of railroad right-of-way (including grade-separated crossings) and/or all projects that begin or end within 500 feet from an at-grade highway-rail crossing to ensure traffic control and construction do not interfere with an active crossing. 

Railroads require an agreement with the utility owner and a separate right-of-way agreement between the railroad company and the company/contractor whose project enters that space.  TxDOT has no input or authority on the agreement.  

As part of the requirement of HB2422, TxDOT developed an application that allows a method of coordination and communication between broadband providers interested in cost sharing infrastructure deployment and associated costs.  Providers can enter a planned route and contact email into the application.  When overlapping routes occur, an introductory email is sent from the application to the associated providers.  Broadband providers conduct coordination and negotiations. 

Access the Joint Trenching Application here

Register your company by clicking the Register link below.  Annual notification of the Texas State Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) will be sent via email each fall.  You can view the current STIP as any time by visiting. 

Register your company here. 

Contact us