100% PS&E pre-submittal preparation
Electronic plan set guidance
Updated guidance and requirements for 100% PS&E Submittal to Design Division. PS&E documents are shared with other divisions, as well as with FHWA, to ensure compliance with department policies and procedures. Please contact DES-FPP staff if you have any questions.
Project submittal checklist
Please fill out a project submittal checklist and submit with the supporting documents referenced below. Use the text box at the bottom of the form to explain the status of any submittal items that are incomplete or that require attention from DES-FPP staff.
PS&E QC Milestone checklist
The PS&E QC Milestone Checklist is a portfolio for Districts to utilize for 30%, 60%, 90%, & 100% PS&E milestones for internal or consultant reviews. The portfolio has a project information section and 17 different areas that can be utilized. Additional information is available in the “00. Instructions for use” PDF in the portfolio.
PS&E review SOP
Electronic plan set guidance
Electronic plan set guidance Helper manual and related tools to assist with the development of an electronic plan set and portfolio for 100% PS&E submittal.
- Form 1002: PS&E transmittal data, link to eForms website – search for "1002" - TxDOT Intranet Only
- 1002 Section B & C, STIP and Environmental clearance status guidance
- 1002 Section E, Railroad coordination and certification memo, March 2016
- Railroad guidance FAQ, July 2018
- Rail highway info - TxDOT Intranet Only
- Railroad scope of work sheet and standards, to be included in the plan set for projects requiring railroad coordination
- See also the Railroad certifications section below.
- 1002 Section F, projects near airports require FAA approval - FAA Form 7460-1, from FAA website
- 1002 Section H & I, TDLR inspection request required for projects with at least $50,000 in pedestrian elements
- List of common pedestrian/bicycle bid items (must show category "pedestrian" in estimate and fill in pedestrian/bicycles section of the project details screen in TxDOT Connect)
- TDLR Construction accessibility requirements procedures, October 2018
- Project Registration Form, from TDLR forms website
- Form 2522: Request for Architectural Barriers Plan Review and Registration, link to eForms website - TxDOT Intranet Only
- Form 2523: Request for Architectural Barriers Inspection, link to eForms website- TxDOT Intranet Only
- Email CST_ADA_INSP@txdot.gov with any questions
- 1002 Section K, see Value Engineering Form 2502 section below
- 1002 Section L, Additional Project Specific Liquidated Damages (APSLD), see Form 2699 Guidance below
- 1002 Section M, Enhanced Safety Elements Guide DES SharePoint – Safety Scoring Tool Reporting - TxDOT Intranet Only
- 1002 Page 3, Design Exception Template - from DES-PDSS - TxDOT Intranet Only Roadway Design Manual, Chapter 1, Section 2, policy for Design Exceptions, Waivers, Variances
Engineer's estimate
Bid Items, quantities, prices, and force accounts needed for each CSJ in a project
- Review and ensure bid items and quantities match between the plan set and TxDOT Connect
- TxDOTCONNECT training docs - Page includes "TXDOTCONNECT Reference Guide - Engineer's Estimate" and "Adding Bid Items to the Engineer's Estimate Job Aid
- Construction cost estimating guide
- Engineer's estimate webinar
- Estimate quantity summary bulk upload spreadsheet
- Base/Alternate bid item instructions
- Item 700 bid items - Memo for what is considered federal non-participating
- List of common pedestrian/bicycle bid items (must show category "pedestrian" in estimate and fill in pedestrian/bicycles section of the project details screen in TxDOT Connect)
- Consider waiving bidder pre-qualification for projects with a construction estimate of $300,000 or less (per TAC Title 43, Part 1, Chapter 9, Subchapter B, §Rule 9.12)
Governing specifications and special provisions
- Review and ensure all required special provisions are included in the speclist prior to 100% PS&E Submittal.
- TXDOTCONNECT Reference Guide - Engineer's Estimate - includes instructions for editing a speclist
- TxDOTCONNECT Job Aid for Managing Specifications Requests - Job Aids-Engineer's Estimate-Managing Specification Requests - TxDOT Intranet Only
- 2014 Specifications Web Page Checklists for Required Special Provisions
- SP 000-025 Americans with Disabilities Act Curb Ramp Workshop - recommended for projects with significant pedestrian elements
- SP 002-012 Guidance - for projects with the State's Contractor performing railroad track construction
General notes
Each district is responsible for maintaining a Master General Notes file. The following are requirements for General Notes for all construction contracts:
- Remember to copy the 8.5x11 General Notes file into the correct directory in Miramo \\txdot4avbpsetc\miramo\LIBRARY\NOTES\ (paste link into Windows Explorer)
- Converting 8.5x11 General Notes for proposal to 11x17 General Notes for plan set This method ensures the general notes in the proposal and plan set will always match.
- General Notes checklist from the PS&E Preparation Manual
- General section: Call out modified standard plan sheets at the beginning of the General Notes
- General section: Add district contact info for contractor questions - name, email, phone - as well as a link to the Pre-Letting FTP website https://ftp.txdot.gov/pub/txdot-info/Pre-Letting%20Responses/ for posting contractor Q&A and other relevant project documents, including Cross Sections
- Traffic Generator Events, Item 7: Senate Bill 312 Traffic Generator Event Requirements - SB 312 Information
2014 Spec Book only -TxDOT Intranet Only *Also requires SP 007-010 - Projects within the City of Grapevine require SP 007-009 - Safety Contingency, Item 502: Note from PS&E Preparation Manual, also requires Safety Contingency Force Account in Engineer's Estimate
- Erosion Control, Item 506: Policy from PS&E Preparation Manual
- When there is no SWP3 in the plans, Example General Notes for Item 506
Project-specific general notes, to be included as-needed:
- Mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting Request SOP, requests for mandatory pre-bid meetings for bidders requires approval from the Design Division Director.
- Concrete Bridge Elements, Item 5: General Note for Item 5 to be included when pre-cast bridge element bid items are included under items 420, 422, or 425
- Mitigation of Hazardous Materials (lead, asbestos), Item 6: Policy Memo, April 2018
- Sample Request Memo to ADM
- General Notes for Item 6 Example
- Also requires SP 006-013
- See SS 5026 Asbestos Abatement - one-time use example
- See SS 5115 Lead Paint Abatement - one time use example
- Requests to include mitigation of hazardous materials in a state-let construction contract requires approval routed through the DES - Final Plans and Processing Section (DES-FPP).
- SP 006-012: if the state has a separate contract for removing hazardous materials prior to or during a related construction project, include SP 006-012 instead of 006-013, and the above approval process is not needed. The approval is only needed if the construction contractor is responsible for removing hazardous materials.
- Delay Start Provisions, Item 8: For projects including a delay-start special provision to Item 8, identify the length of the delay start and the reason for the delay start.
- A+B Powerpoint Presentation - to be used during pre-bid meetings, or can be posted to the pre-letting FTP website
- A+B Bidding Projects, Item 2 & Item 8: A+B Bidding Guidance *Also requires SP 008-006
- Milestones, Item 8: Example of General Notes for Milestones, also includes delay-start example, APSLD example, and Lane Closure Assessment Fees example
- Lane Closure Assessment Fees, Item 8: Include Lane Closure table, and add SP 008-045
- Truck-Mounted Attenuators (TMA), Item 6185: General Notes for Item 6185 Memo, January 2018
Engineer's PE/Registered Landscape Architect Seal
Required seal for the estimate, speclist, and general notes
- The file for the Engineer's PE/Registered Lanscape Architect Seal is no longer a required submittal document, except for projects with more than one PE/RLA Seal
- TxDOTCONNECT Reference Guide - Engineer's Estimate - includes how to seal CSJ's
- All projects must still be sealed in TxDOT Connect
- For projects requiring multiple PE/RLA seals:
- PDF template that can be digitally signed with image of seal and signature
- Seal can also be generated via TxDOTCONNECT > Reporting screen > "Engineer's Seal Report"
- Projects with multiple PE's/RLA's will require a Seal page for each PE/RLA
Document the status of any unclear Right of Way (ROW) acquisition, ROW encroachments, ROW relocations, utility relocations, state-owned utility conflicts, railroad agreements, and environmental surveys/permits that will exist within the project limits after letting. Certifications must be signed by the district engineer or their delegate. Certification templates are provided below.
A Triple-Zero - 000 - Special Provision is required for all conflicts that will not clear prior to proposal release and advertising. TxDOTCONNECT Job Aid for Managing Specifications Requests - includes 000 spec requests - TxDOT Intranet Only
- Design Division Certification Dates Policy
- Certification templates:
- All-Clear Certification Template
- Unclear Utilities Template
- State-Owned Utilities Template
- Right of Way Template
- Railroad Template
- Railroad Scope of Work sheet and standards, to be included in the plan set for projects requiring railroad coordination
- 1002 page 1 should match the certifications
- For purposes of filling out the Railroad information on 1002 page 1 & 2, maintenance notifications count as "agreements" and should be documented on the 1002 the same as formal railroad agreements.
- Environmental Permits Template
- CMP Approval Template
Construction Management Plans (CMPs) are required for every project with unclear certification(s) clearing after letting. Refer to the CMP Standard Operating Procedures for additional information.
Contract Time Determination Schedule
A logical critical-path method schedule including all construction activities in the project.
- Guidance for correctly scheduling the construction start date - with and without a delay-start special provision
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Delayed Start Provisions Memo
- Delayed Project Start SOP
- Can be generated using Primavera P6, Microsoft Project, SureTrak, or other scheduling software Example 1, Example 2
- Add a note in or near the footer of the first page indicating the construction start and finish dates
- Must be signed and dated but does not have to be sealed
- Bid Item 502 for the number of months of barricades should match what is shown in the schedule
Form 2229:Significant Project Procedures
Link to eForms website - search for “2229.” DES provides a copy of Form 2229 to FHWA - TxDOT Intranet Only
Form 2699: Determination of Additional Project-Specific Liquidated Damages
- Form required for all projects except those with 2R or PM design criteria
- Additional Project Specific Liquidated Damages (APSLD) Form 2699 Guidance
- APSLD Road User Cost (RUC) Web Page with RUC Calculator and additional info
- If APSLD's are needed for a project, the RUC dollar amount for disincentive should be added under Item 8 of the General Notes. No other special provision aside from SP 000-658 is needed for disincentives.
- If you opt to include an RUC incentive for early project completion, please add SP 008-006.
Form 2502: Value Engineering (VE) Study Executive Decision Summary
Link to eForms website - use Internet Explorer - search for "2502" - TxDOT Intranet Only
- Value Engineering studies are recommended for projects on the National Highway System (NHS) with an estimated total project cost - preliminary engineering, right-of-way, utilities, and construction - of $50 million or more, as well as $40 million or more for projects with bridge elements. DES provides a copy of Form 2502 to FHWA.
- Signed and Approved VE Study Form 2502's should be sent to VE_STUDY@txdot.gov. Also, email the completed and signed Form 1002.
Design Exceptions and Design Waivers
Design Exceptions and Waivers on Interstate Highway mainlanes are submitted to FHWA.
- 1002 Page 3, Design Exception Template - from DES-PDSS - TxDOT Intranet Only
- Roadway Design Manual, Chapter 1, Section 2 - policy for design exceptions, waivers, variances
- Please submit DE & DW documentation to DES-FPP, even if not on an interstate highway.
SWP3 Plan Sheet Requirements
1 acre or more
- For projects that disturb 1 acre or more, the SWP3 summary sheet standard and SWP3 layout sheets are required to be included in the plans set in accordance with the Construction General Permit (CGP)
- SWP3 layout sheets must be sealed, signed, and dated
- It is recommended to always seal the SWP3 summary sheet standards for 1 acre or more of disturbed area and is always required to be sealed when:
- Calculations for a sediment basins and traps are included
- A sediment basin or trap is required but not feasible
- Or vegetative buffers are required but not feasible
Less than 1 acre
- The SWP3 summary sheet standard is required for projects that disturb less than 1 acre (and are not part of a larger common plan of development) when EPICs require stormwater and water quality controls (such as USACE permits for example). SW3P layout sheets are not required but are recommended and should be included when project-specific conditions warrant it.
- It is recommended to always seal the SW3P standards for less than 1 acre of disturbed area and is always required to be sealed when:
- SWP3 layout sheets are not included in the plan set.
Additional information and the complete guide can be found here.