100% PS&E submittal to Design Division
Electronic plan set guidance
The following information explains how to submit all of the PS&E project documents to Design Division:
Contract Proposal - How to Build a Proposal with the CMCS B13 Program
- Building a proposal in Miramo should be one of the last steps prior to PS&E Submittal to DES.
- Projects should be completely sealed in Connect prior to building a proposal.
- We recommend running a ROSCOE speclist and estimate report to review for errors and omissions prior to building a proposal - How to Create reports of estimates and speclists in ROSCOE
- General Notes 8.5x11 file must be copied to the appropriate directory in Miramo prior to building a proposal - \\txdot4avbpsetc\miramo\LIBRARY\NOTES\
- The proposal does not need to be submitted to DES. DES-FPP staff have access to all directories in Miramo and can review the latest proposals.
Supporting Documents for 100% PS&E Submittal - Files to be submitted to DES as a Portfolio or file
- Project submittal checklist
- Form 1002
- Engineer's estimate
- Speclist
- General notes
- Certifications for utilities, right of way (ROW), and railroads
- Contract time determination schedule
- Form 2229
As needed:
- Form 2699, Additional Project-Specific Liquidated Damages (APSLD)
- Form 2502, for VE studies
- Design Exceptions and Design Waivers documentation and approval
- Engineer's PE/Registered Landscape Architect Seal pages (for projects with multiple PE/RLA Seals)
ePS&E submittal instructions - An excerpt from the ePS&E Helper manual
- Explains how to create portfolios (or files) for the plan set and supporting documents.
- Also explains how to use Box and ProjectWise to upload files and create links to download.
- Email all Box and ProjectWise download links to DES_FPP_ePS&E@txdot.gov.
Multi-volume plan set submittal guidance - Title sheets, index, general notes, estimate and quantity, and sheet numbering.
Guidance for submitting projects that were developed and originally intended to let separately but are now letting together.
Other Useful Files and Links
- DES-FPP final PS&E processing checklist - rev 01/21/2022
- The detailed checklist used by DES-FPP staff to review final PS&E packages in preparation for the 21-day project advertising period that precedes each letting.
- PS&E Review and processing schedule - TxDOT intranet only - from the Finance Division Crossroads web page
- Letting Schedule Modification (LSM) Workflow Requests – TxDOT Connect Job Aid - TxDOT intranet only
- LSM requests to move a project that is currently on an approved letting must be processed and approved no later than the monthly advertising date - proposal release day, otherwise projects will be advertised for the current letting. Submitting LSM requests earlier is preferred, due to processing time taking 1-2 days. * Policy for LSM's for projects moving within the next 4 months of letting: It is a requirement to include the status of Utilities, Right-of-Way, Railroad, STIP, and Environmental Clearance (NEPA) for any project moving within the next 4 months of letting.
- Annual letting schedule
- 2022 Transportation commission monthly meeting schedule - meetings for letting review and contract awards
- Process for requesting paper copies of pre-letting plan sets and proposals - rev 4/13/2020
- Providing cross sections for contractor information Memo, May 2019
- TxDOT Manuals home page