Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) guidance document
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Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) guidance document

This Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) Guidance Manual provides guidelines for completing the SWP3 Summary Sheets and SWP3 Binder documentation necessary for complying with the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Construction General Permit TXR150000 (CGP) administered by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Projects that let beginning in March 2023 must follow the templates outlined in this guidance manual. Projects that let before March 2023 may use other templates but must still contain all the required information in the March 5, 2023, reissuance of the CGP.

The SWP3 provides a strategy to prevent or minimize sediment and other pollutants originating from construction sites from reaching surface waters of the state during those construction activities. Pollutants can enter waters of the state through direct discharges to water bodies or municipal separate storm sewer systems or can be carried in stormwater as it flows over a construction site. The SWP3 outlines erosion control, sediment control and behavioural best management practices to control those pollutants.

You might note that projects with less than one acre of soil disturbing activities do not require authorization under the CGP. However, internal TxDOT Environmental Management System (EMS) policy requires the implementation of environmental controls to meet our internal standards, in addition to meeting other requirements that result from the environmental review process. Therefore, TxDOT requires the development of SWP3s for all projects with soil disturbance and guidance is included in this manual. However, there is an important distinction for Local Government Let Projects as these projects will instead follow guidance in the Local Government Projects Policy Manual Chapter 5 that can be found in the Local Government Toolkit.

The SWP3 Summary Sheets must be completed by the TxDOT design engineers or TxDOT’s consultants during the design phase of the project. The SWP3 Summary Sheets outline project details with respect to the proposed construction activities and with the potential to generate pollutants. The SWP3 Summary Sheets also outline selected BMPs to manage stormwater runoff from the construction site. The SWP3 Summary Sheets are to be included as plan sheets in TxDOT’s construction drawings for the project.

The SWP3 Binder is used by TxDOT personnel during construction to store the required SWP3 contents in accordance with the CGP. It includes copies of the complete SWP3 Summary Sheets and required appendices. TxDOT personnel must complete, use and maintain a current SWP3 Binder, including the SWP3 Summary Sheets during construction activities. The SWP3 Binder may exist as a physical paper document or may be electronically filed. No matter what format it’s in, it must contain all the information as outlined in this Manual.

The SWP3 Summary Sheets and Binder are considered “living documents” and must be maintained and updated throughout the life of the project until construction is completed, and final stabilization has been achieved.

SWP3 summary sheets and binder

Title Date Description Format
Section 1—Administrative Requirements 06/23 This section covers CGP permit applicability and authorization process related to TxDOT projects. Section 1—Administrative Requirements
Section 1—Administrative Requirements Figures 06/21
  • Figure 1—Determining Which Authorization Process to Follow Based on the Amount of Soil Disturbance
  • Figure 2—Automatic Authorization Process For Small Construction Activities
  • Figure 3– Authorization Process For Large Construction Activities

Section 1—Administrative Requirements Figure 1

Section 1—Administrative Requirements Figure 2

Section 1—Administrative Requirements Figure 3

Appendix A—Completing the CSN, NOI, NOC, and NOT 11/23 This appendix provides information for completing the construction site notice (CSN), Notice of Intent (NOI), Notice of Change (NOT), and Notice of Termination (NOT) Appendix A—Completing the CSN, NOI, NOC, and NOT
Appendix A– Completing the CSN, NOI, NOC, and NOT - Figures 06/23
  • Figure 4 — Notice of Change For Large Construction Sites: Determination Process
  • Figure 5 — Small Construction Activity Termination of Coverage
  • Figure 6 – Large Construction Activity Termination of Coverage for the Contractor
  • Figure 7 – Large Construction Activity Termination of Coverage Process for the Department

Appendix A– Completing the CSN, NOI, NOC, and NOT - Figure 4

Appendix A– Completing the CSN, NOI, NOC, and NOT - Figure 5

Appendix A– Completing the CSN, NOI, NOC, and NOT - Figure 6

Appendix A– Completing the CSN, NOI, NOC, and NOT - Figure 7

Appendix B—Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Notification 06/21 This appendix provides information for completing the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) notification requirements. Appendix B—Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Notification
Section 2.1—SWP3 Summary Sheets 06/23 This section provides guidance on completing the SWP3 Summary Sheets for projects requiring an SWP3 Section 2.1—SWP3 Summary Sheets
SWP3 Summary Sheets 09/22 Download the SWP3 Summary Sheet templates from the Design Division’s Roadway Standards Page for the appropriate project size SWP3 Summary Sheets
Section 2.2—SWP3 Binder Template 01/24 This section provides guidance on the required contents for the SWP3 Binder for projects requiring an SWP3 Section 2.2—SWP3 Binder Template
SWP3 Binder Template for Projects with 1 acre or more of soil disturbing activity 06/23 This appendix provides detailed instructions for completing the Form 2118—Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Field Inspection and Maintenance Report SWP3 Binder Template for Projects with 1 acre or more of soil disturbing activity
SWP3 Binder Template for Projects with less than 1 acre of soil disturbing activity with EPICs 09/22 This section provides guidance on the required contents for the SWP3 Binder for projects requiring an SWP3 SWP3 Binder Template for Projects with less than 1 acre of soil disturbing activity with EPICs
Appendix C—Completing the Form 2118 10/23 This appendix provides detailed instructions for completing the Form 2118—Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Field Inspection and Maintenance Report Appendix C—Completing the Form 2118
Form 2118—Construction Storm-water Pollution Prevention Plan Field Inspection and Maintenance Report 09/22 Download a copy of the Form 2118—Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Field Inspection and Maintenance Report to document inspections Form 2118—Construction Storm-water Pollution Prevention Plan Field Inspection and Maintenance Report
Form 2675—Contractor Dewatering Activities Inspection Form 08/23 Download a copy of the Form 2675-Contractor Dewatering Activities Inspection Form to document daily inspections required for dewatering activities. Form 2675—Contractor Dewatering Activities Inspection Form
Attachment 2.6—TxDOT Inspector Qualifications Form 09/22 Attachment 2.6 of the SWP3 Binder for projects with 1 acre or more of soil disturbance ; Attachment 2.4 in the Less than 1 acre Binder Attachment 2.6—TxDOT Inspector Qualifications Form
Attachment 2.6 —CEI Inspector Qualifications Form 09/22 Attachment 2.6 of the SWP3 Binder for projects with 1 acre or more of soil disturbance ; Attachment 2.4 in the Less than 1 acre Binder Attachment 2.6 —CEI Inspector Qualifications Form
Attachment 2.7—Delegation of Signature Authority Memo 08/23 Attachment 2.7 of the SWP3 Binder for projects with 1 acre or more of soil disturbing activity; A copy of the 2003 Behrens Memo on Delegation of Signature Authority Attachment 2.7—Delegation of Signature Authority Memo
Attachment 2.8– SWP3 Revisions Log 09/22 Attachment 2.8 of the SWP3 Binder for projects with 1 acre or more of soil disturbing activity Attachment 2.8– SWP3 Revisions Log
Attachment 2.12– Copy of the Construction General Permit TXR150000 05/23 Download and print a copy of the current Construction General Permit TXR150000 from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Attachment 2.12– Link to the Construction General Permit TXR150000