Texas Ancillary Structures Interest Group
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Texas Ancillary Structures Interest Group

The Texas Ancillary Structures Interest Group (TASIG) is a new joint owner-industry forum comprised of the following:

  • TxDOT staff from TRF, MTD, BRG, CST, and MNT Divisions, as well as TxDOT District staff involved with ancillary/traffic structures
  • Fabricators of these ancillary/traffic structures
  • Consultant engineers involved in ancillary/traffic structure design and alternate designs
  • Contractors involved in construction of ancillary/traffic structures
  • Researchers/Academics involved in ancillary/traffic structures

TASIG is interested in guiding, advancing, and improving the following aspects of ancillary/traffic structures within Texas:

  • Design
  • Fabrication
  • Construction
  • Performance

If you are interested in joining this group, please sign up for email notifications about TASIG events by visiting Texas Department of Transportation (govdelivery.com) and selecting Bridge > Texas Ancillary Structures Interest Group.

Email the TxDOT representatives of TASIG if you have any questions or comments at: BRG-TASIG@txdot.gov.

Ancillary/traffic structures include the following:

  • Overhead sign bridges
  • Cantilever overhead sign structures
  • Monotube sign structures
  • High mast illumination poles(HMIP)
  • Traffic signal structures
  • Roadway illumination poles
  • Intelligent Transportation System Poles

Upcoming events

Texas Ancillary Structures Interest Group (TASIG): Annual Hybrid Meeting
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
TxDOT Stassney Campus
6230 E Stassney Ln
Austin, TX 78744
Registration for this event (for both in-person and virtual attendance) is required here: TASIG 2024 Annual Meeting Registration

Note: Once you register, you have the option to add it to your calendar. The calendar appointment links you back to the registration page. The webpage will have a Join button available 15 minutes prior to the meeting. If you have difficulties joining the meeting, please email Sara Watts sara.watts@txdot.gov.


Past events


Annual meeting - Aug. 23, 2023 video recordings and presentations

HMIP - Virtual - May 9, 2023

Video recordings and presentations

Aug. 17, 2022