Electrical certification eLearning courses - contractors
Welcome to the Traffic Safety Division’s electrical certification page. This page is to inform contractors on how to obtain an electrical certification which is required for contractors to do electrical work on TxDOT highways according to item 7 of the Texas Standard Specification book.
Electrical certification - initial
If you are interested and/or need to obtain an electrical certification to work on TxDOT highways, you must complete the required course, TRF450 - TxDOT Roadway Illuminations and Electrical Installations. You can view the course description, objectives, duration, and request a seat in available TRF450 classes through the TxDOT Training Catalog. After successfully completing the course by scoring an 80% or higher on the end of course exam, you will receive a wallet certification card through the mail which will denote a three year expiration date.
Electrical certification - renewals
There are three different options available to contractors who need to renew their electrical certification card prior to the card’s expiration date or within two years after the card’s expiration date.
Note: If the expiration date has lapsed by more than two years, you must complete TRF450 - TxDOT Roadway Illuminations and Electrical Installations course again. See Electrical certification – initial section.
Option 1
You can renew your electrical certification card by successfully completing TRF453 - TxDOT Electrical Requirements for Installing Traffic Signals course. You can view the course description, objectives, duration, and enroll in available TRF453 classes through the TxDOT Training Catalog. After successfully completing the course by scoring an 80% or higher on the end of course exam, you will receive your electrical certification renewal card in the mail which will denote a new three year expiration date.
Option 2
You can enroll in three different eLearning courses of your choice from the table below. These Traffic-Electrical eLearning courses are found on the University of Arlington’s Dedtools site and are available for enrollment for a nominal fee.
Title | Target audience | Description |
TRF804 - The Grounding Electrode System | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for grounding electrode systems on TxDOT's illumination and traffic signal systems. |
TRF805 - Troubleshooting Common Problems in Illumination Systems | Experienced personnel who install, repair or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study in identifying and repairing common problems found on TxDOT's illumination systems. |
TRF806 - Splicing Options Acceptable to TxDOT | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for splicing electrical conductors used for TxDOT's illumination and traffic signal systems. |
TRF807 - Installation Requirements for Temporary Wiring | Experienced personnel who install, repair or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the requirements for temporary wiring of illumination and traffic signal systems. |
TRF808 - TxDOT's Grounding & Bonding Requirements | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for grounding and bonding on TxDOT's illumination and traffic signal systems. |
TRF809 - Ground Box Installations | Experienced personnel who install, repair or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the types of ground boxes and their installation requirments for TxDOT's illumination and traffic systems. |
TRF810 - Contractor's Equipment Testing Requirements | Experienced personnel who install, repair or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of electrical testing requirements and the equipment needed when testing is done on TxDOT illumination and traffic signal systems. |
TRF811 - Conduit Installation Requirements | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for installing conduit on TxDOT's illumination and traffic signal systems. |
TRF812 - Common Mistakes On TxDOT Electrical Installations | Experienced personnel who install, repair or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of common mistakes made during installation of illumination and traffic signal systems. |
TRF813 - Using Material Producers List | Experienced personnel who install, repair or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of TxDOT's material producers list, departmental material specifications, and special provisions pertaining to electrical installations of illumination and traffic signal systems. |
TRF814 - Conductor Installation Requirements | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for electrical conductors installed on TxDOT's illumination and traffic signal systems. |
TRF815 - Installation Requirements for Traffic Signal Controller Cabinets | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for the installation of traffic signal controller cabinets on TxDOT's traffic signal systems. |
TRF816 - Underpass Illumination | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for installing underpass luminaires on TxDOT's illumination systems. |
TRF817 - Installation Requirements for Breakaway Pole Bases | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for installing luminaire breakaway pole bases on TxDOT's illumination systems. |
TRF818 - Types of Electrical Service Supports | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for electrical service support structures used on TxDOT's illumination and traffic signal systems. |
TRF819 - Concrete Barrier Illumination Installation Requirements | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for installing luminaire poles on concrete safety barriers used on TxDOT's illumination systems. |
TRF820 - High Mast Pole Installation Requirements | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for installing high mast poles on TxDOT's illumination systems. |
TRF821 - High Mast Pole Lighting Ring with Obstruction Lighting | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for a high mast pole's ring with obstruction lighting. |
TRF822 – Pedestrian Poles and Roadside Flashing Beacon Installation Requirements | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for pedestrian poles and roadside flashing beacons. |
TRF823 – Illumination and Signal Pole Foundations | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for installing illumination and signal pole foundations. |
TRF825 – TxDOT Electrical Services, Types A & C | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for TxDOT Type A and Type C electrical service. |
TRF826 – TxDOT Electrical Services, Types D & T | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study of the installation and material requirements for TxDOT Type D and Type T electrical service. |
TRF827 – Maintaining High Mast Pole’s Winch and Verifying Winch Brake Settings | Experienced personnel who install or inspect electrical systems on Texas roadways. | An in-depth study for maintaining a high mast pole's winch and verifying that the winch's brake setting is correct. |
Once you have successfully completed three Traffic- electrical courses, you will receive your electrical certification renewal card in the mail which will denote a new three year expiration date.
Option 3
You can renew your electrical certification card by successfully completing TRF450 - TxDOT Roadway Illuminations and Electrical Installations course. You can view the course description, objectives, duration, and enroll in available TRF450 classes through the TxDOT Training Catalog. After successfully completing the course by scoring an 80% or higher on the end of course exam, you will receive your electrical certification renewal card in the mail which will denote a new three year expiration date.
Recommended course materials
You can use materials and books while taking the course and examination. It is recommended that you access the following materials prior to beginning a course:
- Latest Edition of TxDOT's Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges
- Latest Edition of National Electrical Code® (NEC) - NFPA 70 (National Fire Protection Agency)
- TxDOT Material Producers List - Roadway Illumination and Electrical Supplies
- TxDOT Standard Sheets
- Click on "I Accept" at the bottom of web page.
- Click on "Traffic Engineering Standard Plan sheets (English)."
- Scroll down to Title "Electrical And Illumination Details":
- ED sheets available in PDF (Electrical Details - ED(1) though ED(12))
- RID sheets available in PDF (Roadway Illumination Details - RID(1) through RID(3))
- RIP sheets available in PDF (Roadway Illumination Pole - RIP(1) through RIP(4))
- HMID sheets available in PDF (High Mast Illumination Details - HMID(1) through HMID(9))
- HMIP sheets available in PDF (High Mast Illumination Poles - HMIP(1) through HMIP(2))
- HMIF sheets available in PDF (High Mast Illumination Foundation - HMIF(1) through HMIF(2))
- Scroll down to Title "Traffic Signal Pole Standards":
- TS-CF sheet available in PDF (Traffic Signal Controller Cabinet Base And Pad - TS-CF)
- TS-FD sheet available in PDF (Traffic Signal Pole Foundation - TS-FD)
- Under Design Division click on "Roadway Standards (English)."
- Scroll down to Title "Barrier (Rigid)."
- CBS sheets available in PDF (Concrete Safety Barrier CSB (4)) and (Single Slope Concrete Barrier, Cast in Place (Type 4), at Light Pole SSCB (4)).
Payment and registration information
Any information provided during the registration process for the Traffic- electrical eLearning courses will be shared between TxDOT and the University of Texas at Arlington for purposes of electrical certification only. Please ensure you have the recommended materials from the list above and a valid credit card, if applicable.