TxDOT logo
Visual identity
Full color logo
The TxDOT logo has three layout options, vertical, horizontal, or icon.
Important: The TxDOT logo must be included on all official documents and communications.
Vertical logo
Clear space and minimum size requirements: Height of 50 pixels for digital and 0.375 inches for print.
Horizontal logo
Clear space and minimum size requirements: Height of 38 pixels for digital and 0.375 inches for print.
Clear space and minimum size requirements: Height of 50 pixels for digital and 0.375 inches for print.
To use the icon, one of the following items must be included on the communication item:
- Horizontal logo, or
- Vertical logo, or
- Texas Department of Transportation written in plain text
Accessing the logo
- Employees can access the TxDOT logo from the organization's intranet.
- Vendors should request the logo from their TxDOT point of contact.
The 2-color logo is the preferred version. The 2-color logo should ONLY appear on a white background. See colors for color palette values for digital and print.
1-color production
- Use TxDOT Primary blue, when the 2-color logo isn't available.
- Use Black or Gray when TxDOT Primary blue isn't available.
Important: Background colors not shown below are not permitted. Exception, personal protective equipment and safety campaigns are approved to use the 1-color black, white, or gray TxDOT logo, regardless of the background color.
For white apparel/fabric, use Pantone 11-4001 TCX or the closest match.
For blue apparel/fabric, use Pantone 19-4151 TCX or the closest match.
For black apparel/fabric, use Pantone 19-3911 TCX or the closest match.
For gray apparel/fabric, use Pantone 18-4006 TCX or the closest match.
For red apparel/fabric, use Pantone 18-1553 TCX or the closest match.
Unapproved logo use
Important: DO NOT alter any TxDOT logo for any reason.
Districts or Divisions are responsible for the cost to reproduce items using unapproved logos.
Prohibited uses:
- Do not alter the logo proportions.
- Do not rotate the logo.
- Do not alter the logo colors, symbol or font.
- Do not combine the color with other graphics, elements, or fonts.
- Do not add effects to the logo.
- Do not use full color logo on a colored background.
- Do not use the full color logo over a background image.
- Do not put the logo in front of graphic or patterns.
See visual examples of prohibited uses.