Transit Technical Services Program - rural and state funded urban transit districts
Public Transportation grants - state and FTA
The Transit Technical Services Program provides focused technical assistance to Rural Transit Districts (RTD) and State Funded Urban Transit Districts (SUTD) in five areas:
- Financial management and analysis.
- Capital project development.
- Policy, Procedure and Program Document Development.
- Operational and service analysis.
- Strategic Planning, Performance and Organizational Development
TTSP assistance is short-term in duration, expected to take between two and six months. Applications are accepted on a continuous basis. The division will review requests several times a year for coordination and scheduling purposes generally in April, August, and December.
For more information or questions, please contact the TTSP Program Manager at 903-799-1387.
Note: This program has previously been open to Rural Transit Districts who are TxDOT sub-recipients. TxDOT has opened the program to State Funded Urban Transit Districts as well. Rural Transit Districts will be prioritized, and services provided to State Funded Urban Districts as capacity exists.