Intercity bus
Public Transportation grants - state and FTA
All urban areas in Texas have intercity bus service (ICB), and many points are served in more remote areas. There are approximately 271 stops in Texas.
Eligible transit providers
Intercity service is provided for the general public and connects urban areas through fixed routes. Greyhound is the most commonly known company that provides this service.
The Rural program (49 USC, Section 5311) has 15 percent of its budget allocated to fund ICB, which is designed to strengthen the connection between rural areas and the larger regional or national intercity bus system. ICB also supports the system's infrastructure through planning, marketing assistance and capital investment in facilities and vehicles.
On August 23, 2024, the Texas Dept of Transportation (TxDOT) Public Transportation Division (PTN) conducted webinars for Intercity Bus (ICB) Program stakeholders to discuss the history and current status of ICB funding and service needs in the state of Texas. Stakeholders were offered an opportunity to comment, with one comment received by the due date of 9/6/2024, to which TxDOT-PTN responded on 9/13/24. The links below provide information relative to the history, ICB funding and service status, comments received and TxDOT’s response.