Developing the UTP
Unified Transportation Program (UTP)
Most of the current Unified Transportation Program (UTP) projects were authorized in past years and are progressing through the various stages of project development.
Each year, as hundreds of projects exit the development pipeline and enter the construction phase through letting, the UTP authorizes new projects to begin development based on the availability of additional funding in the latest planning forecast. The UTP also authorizes additional funding on near-term projects to enable them to be fully funded for subsequent inclusion in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan.
As the outlook for state and federal transportation revenue changes, TxDOT’s forecasted funding may go up or down as a result. The total dollar amount available in the UTP directly reflects such changes to forecasted funding.
UTP development overview
The graphic below provides an overview of the annual process TxDOT goes through to develop and update the UTP in support of TxDOT's strategic goals.

Key UTP Concept:
Supporting achievement of TxDOT strategic goals
- Promote safety - Inclusion of highway improvement projects to support fatality reduction efforts
- Preserve assets - Use of bridge condition and pavement quality scoring to measure asset preservation
- Optimize system performance - Purposeful consideration of project impacts on congestion mitigation, connectivity enhancement, reliability improvement and freight movement facilitation
UTP development steps
The UTP development process includes several key steps that are integrated with the overall performance-based planning approach and coordination among TxDOT divisions, districts and local planning partners in addition to TxDOT administrative leadership and the Texas Transportation Commission.
Through the Statewide Long-Range Transportation Plan (SLRTP), TxDOT defines the statewide strategic goals for the state and sets performance measures and targets for the state: promote highway safety, preserve existing infrastructure assets and optimize system performance for drivers in urban and rural areas.
The SLRTP also establishes six performance measures and targets to achieve these goals: fatalities per year, fatality rate, pavement condition, statewide bridge condition score, urban congestion and the rural reliability index.
These goals, performance measures and targets drive all subsequent funding distribution and project selection in the UTP.
See the 'Strategic goals, performance measures and targets' table below for additional details.
TxDOT’s Financial Management Division (FIN) estimates the revenue expected to be available to the UTP.
See Funding the UTP for more detailed information.
The Texas Transportation Commission determines the dollar amounts allocated to each UTP category.
Once TxDOT determines a total dollar amount for each category, planning targets are developed for each TxDOT District, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), and program. These localized planning targets identify the dollar amounts by category that each district, MPO and program can attach to planned projects.
The UTP allocates some category funding around the state by formula, based on factors like regional population and vehicle miles traveled. The UTP also distributes funding in other categories on a project-specific basis, rather than geographically.
TxDOT districts and MPOs continually evaluate needs on the state highway system and identify locations with critical safety, preservation or mobility issues.
TxDOT districts and MPOs customize their own metrics for identifying the most important transportation projects in their respective regions.
However, all evaluation criteria must align with TxDOT’s statewide strategic goals, performance measures, and targets for the transportation system.
Once a project is identified for potential funding, TxDOT refines the construction cost estimate and identifies funds that could be assigned to the project. The process of matching selected transportation projects to available funds is known as programming.
Adhering to the UTP planning targets, TxDOT districts collaborate with state MPOs and other TxDOT program managers to assign funding from each applicable UTP category to the priority projects in their regions.
A project may be programmed using funding from multiple UTP categories (if the project type is eligible). The UTP planning targets limit the dollar amount that each district, MPO or program manager can program from certain categories.
Projects funded through certain statewide categories are selected by TxDOT divisions with corresponding specializations.
For statewide mobility categories in which the Texas Transportation Commission approves or selects projects, TxDOT’s TPP Division ranks candidate projects submitted by TxDOT districts to determine which ones best accomplish the state’s strategic goals, meet performance measures and targets and address various logistic and strategic considerations.
The Texas Transportation Commission will consider the following performance criteria for project selection in the UTP: safety, optimization of system performance, preservation, and any other goals in the SLRTP. The commission may also consider the potential for project delivery based on other factors such as funding availability and project readiness after consideration of the performance criteria.
TxDOT’s TPP Division produces the draft UTP document, which lists Category 2, Category 4 and Category 12-funded projects, including those previously authorized in past years and newly submitted for approval.
TxDOT actively engages the public to gather comments before the plan is approved.
See UTP Public Involvement for more detailed information.
TxDOT staff formally present the final proposed UTP for adoption at a scheduled meeting of the Texas Transportation Commission.
Per Texas Administrative Code, the Texas Transportation Commission must adopt the UTP no later than August 31 each year.
As described above in Step 1, the SLRTP establishes targets for six performance measures for TxDOT's statewide strategic goals. These performance measures and their targets help inform funding distribution and project selection in the UTP.
Strategic plan goal | Performance vision | Performance measures | 2035 target |
Promote safety | Reduce crashes and fatalities through targeted infrastructure improvements, technology applications and education | Safety: fatalities/yr. | 2,378 |
Safety: fatality rate | 0.81 | ||
Preserve our assets | Maintain and preserve system/asset conditions through targeted infrastructure rehabilitation, restoration and replacement | Preservation: pavement condition | 90.0% |
Preservation: statewide bridge condition score | 90.0 | ||
Optimize system performance | Enhance mobility and connectivity and mitigate congestion through targeted infrastructure and operational improvements | Congestion: urban congestion | 1.20 |
Index connectivity: rural reliability index | 1.12 |
Ongoing UTP management
All programmed funding must be aligned with UTP planning targets and project development must be aligned with UTP authority levels and estimated contract letting dates for the UTP to function properly. This is accomplished through ongoing transportation system performance and portfolio management.
Throughout the year, TxDOT collects data on the performance of the state transportation system and evaluates trend lines based on that data.
The data includes information on crash rates, traffic counts, pavement scores and bridge conditions. TxDOT must also monitor changing conditions to inform future decisions.
Based on the findings, the Texas Transportation Commission may adjust the performance measures and targets in the next SLRTP or the funding distribution strategy in the next UTP.
TxDOT conducts joint, multi-district and division project portfolio management (outside of the annual development and adoption process) throughout the year, monitoring the entire portfolio so that the volume and mix of projects progressing through the stages of development align with future cash, performance measures and targets.
Items that may require such management include cost estimates, schedules and project development, risk identification and management.
Learn more about UTP development

UTP project selection
Explore the process for evaluating and recommending projects for inclusion in the UTP
Advancing projects through the UTP
Find out how the UTP advances planned projects through their detailed development and onward to construction