STIP financial plan
Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
The STIP financial plan demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed STIP for fiscal years 2011 through 2014, based on the use of innovate finance tools, state funding levels forecasted by TxDOT, and SAFETEA-LU federal funding amounts.
Federally-supported expenditures
The STIP includes federally supported surface transportation expenditures within the boundaries of the state. Projects in the STIP have been through the federally mandated planning process and are included in the UTP (excluding transit and locally funded projects).
Allocation and fiscal constraint
TxDOT's Public Transportation Division is responsible for the allocation and fiscal constraint of transit funding. The financial summaries contain systems-level estimates of costs and revenue sources to adequately operate and maintain federally funded highway and transit facilities as stipulated in 23 CFR 450.216(m), 450.322(f)(10)(i), and 450.324(h-i).
Financial summaries
The financial summaries contain systems-level estimates of cost and revenue sources to adequately operate and maintain federally funded highway and transit facilities as stipulated in 23 CFR 450.216(n), 450.322(f)(10)(i), and 450.324(h-i).