Southern Gateway - request for proposals (RFP)
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Southern Gateway - request for proposals (RFP)

Authorizations and approvals

On July 28, 2016, the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC), in Minute Order 114649, authorized TxDOT to issue a request for proposal (RFP) to the shortlisted teams for the design, development, construction and potential maintenance of the Southern Gateway Project.

Proposer documents

The shortlisted proposers submitted detailed proposals on March 23, 2017. Their executive summaries and team lists are available below.

Proposer Name Document
Pegasus Link Constructors
AGL Constructors
Southgate Corridor Constructors

RFP documents

TxDOT issued the original request for proposals on November 10, 2016, and there were 5 subsequent addenda. These documents are available below. In addition, the Q&A Matrices distributed to the proposers are available as well.

Addendum No. 05 issued March 21, 2017 Notes
Cover Letter  
Instructions to Proposers (ITP) including Exhibits A - I
Design Build Agreement (DBA including Exhibits 1 - 24
Technical Provisions (TP)  
TP Attachments  
Capital Maintenance Agreement (CMA) including Exhibits 1 - 15