SH 71 Express Toll Lanes - request for proposals (RFP)
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SH 71 Express Toll Lanes - request for proposals (RFP)

Authorizations and approvals

On January 30, 2014, the Texas Transportation Commission, in Minute Order 113827, approved TxDOT to issue a request for proposal (RFP) to design, design, and construct the SH 71 Toll Lanes Project providing the addition of toll lanes from Presidential Boulevard to just east of SH 130, along with the realignment of FM 973 from just south of the Colorado River to the SH 71/FM 973 intersection in Travis County.

Proposer information

The shortlisted proposers submitted detailed proposals on May 21, 2014. Their executive summaries and team lists are available below.

Proposer Name Documentation
McCarthy Building Companies, Inc
Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc
The Lane Construction Corporation

RFP documents

TxDOT issued the original request for proposals on March 3, 2014, and there were 4 subsequent addenda. These documents are available below. In addition, the Q&A Matrices distributed to the proposers are available as well.