Dallas Horseshoe - request for proposals (RFP)
Dallas Horseshoe
Authorizations and approvals
On June 28, 2012, the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC), in Minute Order 113157, authorized TxDOT to issue a request for proposal (RFP) for the design, construction and capital maintenance on IH 30 from Sylvan Avenue to IH 35E and IH 35E from north of Eighth Street to the IH 30/IH 35E interchange in Dallas County (the Horseshoe Project or Project).
Proposer information
On March 29, 2012, TxDOT announced the short list of the most qualified teams to compete for the Horseshoe Design-Build contract. The proposer team lists and executive summaries submitted are available below.
Name | Documentation |
Pegasus Link Constructors (PLC) | |
Dallas Horseshoe Solutions (DHS) | |
NorthGate Horseshoe |
RFP documents
The original RFP was issued on July 3, 2012 and there were four subsequent addenda distributed. These documents are available below.
Addendum No. 04 - Issued September 28, 2012 |
Cover Letter |
Instructions to Proposers (ITP) |
DBA Exhibit 1 |
CMA Exhibits |
Addendum No. 03 - Issued September 20, 2012 |
Cover Letter |
Instructions to Proposers (ITP) |
ITP Exhibits |
ITP Forms |
Design Build Agreement (DBA) |
DBA Exhibit 1 Redline |
DBA Exhibits 2 - 25 |
CMA Exhibits |
Addendum No. 01 - Issued August 29, 2012 |
Cover Letter |
Instructions to Proposers (ITP) |
ITP Exhibits |
ITP Forms |
Design Build Agreement (DBA) |
DBA Exhibit 1 |
DBA Exhibits 2 - 25 |