Equipment calibration templates
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Equipment calibration templates

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Test method Calibration template
Tex-901-K Balance and scale record
Tex-901-K Ignition oven scale record
Tex-905-K Compaction Mold and Unit Weight Measure
Tex-198-E Linear bar shrinkage mold
Tex-198-E Grooving tool
Tex-198-E Hydrometer
Tex-198-E Liquid limit device
Tex-198-E Porous stone verification record
Tex-198-E Slide hammer
Tex-198-E Mechanical compacter
Tex-198-E Compactor with Soil Compactor Analyzer (SCA)
Tex-198-E Straight edge (Tex-198-E)
Tex-198-E Wet ball mill
Tex-418-A Bearing blocks record
ASTM C617 Capping material strength record
ASTM C511 Chart recorder verification record
Tex-198-E Conical mold and tamper verification record
Tex-198-E LA machine and steel sphere
Tex-198-E Micro-Deval record
Tex-198-E Sulfate soundness sample container
Tex-198-E Sulfate soundness oven
Tex-237-F Curing water bath temperature verification record
Tex-198-E Flakiness plate verification record
Tex-198-E Flat & elongated caliper verification record
Tex-237-F Gas flow meter
Tex-237-F Rice vacuum pump
Tex-237-F SGC force & height
Tex-237-F Stabilometer cylinder
Tex-198-E Weighted foot assembly
Tex-198-E Dynamic cone penetrometer verification record
Tex-237-F Gyratory Verification Record
Tex-237-F Gyratory Mold Verification Record
ASTM C192 External vibrator verification record
ASTM C192 Internal vibrator
Misc Inactive record
Tex-927-K Oven record
ASTM C231 Pressure air meter measuring bowl
Tex-450-A Retaining rings planeness verification record
ASTM E965 Sand patch kit
Tex-907-K Sieve verification
ASTM C143 Slump cone
TEX-930-K Straight edge
TEX-924-K Timer record
ASTM C173 Volumetric air meter
ASTM-1064 Concrete Dial Thermometer