Design - traffic
Plans, specifications, and estimate development
Local government transportation projects may include:
- Traffic engineering, traffic safety.
- Railroad crossing and signals.
- Traffic management.
Traffic operations
TxDOT district traffic operations and project development staff are the primary contact for traffic operations projects. The local government may provide roadway illumination (continuous lighting, safety lighting, or bikeway and pedestrian lighting) on eligible roadways where conditions warrant installation.
Intelligent transportation systems
Some projects may include an Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) provision. ITS includes communication and technology systems that improve traffic conditions, safety and mobility. ITS also may provide integration and coordination of multiple agencies in jurisdictions within a region to improve total travel networks, not just one facility or service.
Traffic control devices
Signs are traffic control devices used by TxDOT and local governments to provide guidance on streets, highways or bicycle trails. All traffic control devices on all projects must comply with the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD). Pavement markings and markers must also comply with the TMUTCD. A comprehensive investigation of traffic conditions and characteristics of potential signal locations is necessary to determine the need for signal installations and to collect data for the design and operation of signals.
Railroad facilities
When projects cross railroad right of way or affect railroad facilities, pre-design and pre-construction coordination with the railroad is necessary to protect the interests of both the railroad and the entity administering the project.
Speed limits
Local agencies have the authority to establish speed zones on state highways and on roadways off the state highway system within the limits of their jurisdiction. State law requires that speed limits on state highways are set at the statutory speed established by law unless a traffic and engineering study show the need for a differing speed limit.
Traffic control plan
Traffic control plans are an integral part of each construction and maintenance project. The traffic control plan is defined as all documents pertinent to the proposed efficient, effective and safe travel of the public through work zones on a construction project.
Federal regulations related to temporary traffic control devices are intended to reduce the likelihood of fatalities and injuries on federal-aid highway projects. Law enforcement used for traffic control must receive training according to federal requirements.
More information
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