Planning and programming
Project initiation
Planning and programming involves the identification of the project objectives and the development of a statement of work that identifies the project or program priorities and activities to be performed by the project partners.
The process will include, at a minimum:
- Description of the project or program.
- Responsible organizations.
- Time frame.
- Cost.
- Funding sources.
- Obtainment of appropriate approvals.
The local government must demonstrate that it has adequate staff to manage all project functions. Each TxDOT district has a planning and programming section that studies and plans for the needs of the district’s highway system. Prior to beginning work, the local government and TxDOT will each designate a “responsible person in charge” (RPIC) for the project. The local government is also required to assign a “qualified person” to the project.
Coordination with Metropolitan Planning Organizations
All state and federally funded projects in metropolitan areas will be selected through the metropolitan planning process. Any local government anticipating using state or federal funds for a transportation project must coordinate with TxDOT and the metropolitan planning organization.
Projects with state or federal funds must be in the current version of the 10-year Unified Transportation Plan for TxDOT to authorize the local government to proceed. All projects must be included in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan and Statewide Transportation Improvement Program before any work is initiated.
A kick-off meeting is recommended as soon as possible after the project is selected for funding. If work on the project is being performed by the local government’s own employees or an extension of its workforce (force account labor/work), the local government must prepare and submit a Cost Effectiveness Determination letter.
Functional classification
Functional classification is the process by which streets and highways are grouped into classes, or systems according to the character of service they are intended to provide. Functional classification is used for a variety of situations, such as determination of design criteria and storm frequency for hydraulic design.
Minute order
For projects with state or federal funds, or on the state highway system regardless of funding source, the local government must request Texas Transportation Commission approval of minute orders as appropriate. Minute orders are required for several actions involving project administration by the local government, including, but not limited to, access control, new route designation and donations.
Traffic data
For all projects with state or federal funds on the state highway system, the local government must use traffic data furnished by TxDOT in the selection of applicable design criteria.
More information
- Forms and publications
- Use the side navigation to access additional pages in the toolkit.