Legal firm name and name change
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Legal firm name and name change

It is important that use of the firm name is consistent across State systems. Use of different names will create inconsistencies, which may result in disqualification during a contract procurement. The following information is not intended to provide legal advice or to substitute for the advice of an attorney. If you have specific legal questions, consult an attorney.

The Legal Firm Entity Name is located on the Certificate of Formation received from the Texas Secretary of State. For more information, watch the video Filing Your Business.

The Business Structure Entity Type can also be found on the Certificate of Formation received from the Texas Secretary of State. For more information, please visit Selecting a Business Structure, and watch the video Filing Your Business.

Name change

According to TxDOT's Negotiated Contracts Policy Manual, a name change occurs when a provider changes its name, but not its legal identity. An individual may change their name through marriage or a court order, for example. If a provider changes its name, it must submit documentation showing that the name change has been legally implemented. For most business entities, this will involve changing the name legally through the Secretary of State.


According to TxDOT's Negotiated Contracts Policy Manual, an assignment occurs when a new provider replaces the original provider. This may result from a sale of underlying assets of the original provider or from a change in the original provider's legal identity because of a change of business form, as from a corporation to a partnership. Only TxDOT, by written consent, may authorize assignment. Therefore, the Assignment form must have the signature of an authorized representative of the original provider, of an authorized representative of the new provider (who may in some cases be the same person), and of the authorized TxDOT representative.

Assumed name or DBA

An assumed name, also known as Doing Business As (DBA), is NOT the legal firm name. According to Texas Secretary of State Name Filings FAQs, “By filing an assumed name certificate, you are notifying the public that a particular business entity intends to conduct business under a name other than its legal name.” However, the legal firm name must be used for State systems including PEPS systems and procurements. Do NOT use an assumed name or DBA for State systems including PEPS systems and procurements.

Best practices

The name used by a firm in their response to a request for proposals and throughout the procurement process, needs to be consistent across all PEPS systems including Administrative Qualifications, the Consultant Certification Information System, and the Professional Services – Contract Administration Management System. Perform a quality control review to verify firm names are consistent across all State systems, including PEPS systems, prior to submitting a response to the request for proposals. If a prime firm and subprovider firm are selected for a contract, the contract must be executed using the same firm names that were in the proposal.


Timing is critical because a change during a procurement cycle may result in a firm being disqualified.  If a firm has submitted a proposal for a current wave, the firm must wait until selection is complete before initiating a name change.

If a firm has been selected for a contract, follow the steps in the next section below. Coordination with the Support Services Center is critical since the contract must be executed using the same firm name(s) that were in the proposal.

If a firm has not been selected for a contract, proceed with a name change before the next wave cycle begins. As soon as the selection notices are posted, follow the steps in the next section below prior to the next procurement wave.

Next steps for name changes or assignments

A prime firm must make updates with a name change or assignment by contacting these three PEPS offices at the same time. Important: include the status of all open procurements, pending contracts, and existing contracts since that may impact the timing of the updates.

The SSC will coordinate with other offices within TxDOT such as:

  • PEPS Invoice Center 
  • PEPS Professional Services – Contract Administration Management System
  • PeopleSoft with Financial Management Services Division – at the award stage
  • Contract Services Division

A subprovider firm must work with the prime firm who will coordinate with the appropriate service center to make updates to their contract.


A firm considering a name change but needing confidentiality may request a meeting to discuss the process by emailing or

New to TxDOT and upcoming procurements?

View the following pages and complete all the required steps before the next procurement wave.