CRASH benefits and future enhancements
Crash records forms for law enforcement
Crash Reporting and Analysis for Safer Highways system (CRASH) gives law enforcement agencies the ability to get their reporting done quickly and efficiently with no returns.
Two benefits of the system are lower cost for crash reports processing and a higher accuracy of crash data.
Lower cost
- No crash report returns from TxDOT.
- Less administrative burden in crash report management.
- Automatic and timely delivery of crash data to the agencies in industry standard formats.
- Simple search feature, ability to search for work in progress and completed reports.
- Automatic and timely delivery of office entered crash data back to agencies in industry standard data formats.
- Ability to easily supplement a completed crash report.
- Built-in reassignment process.
Higher accuracy
- Embedded online help at the field level in phase 1 and overall online help in phase two.
- Easy error correction, which will decrease or eliminate crash report returns.
- Easy template-based crash diagramming tools.
- Summary of error messages based on field edits and business rules.
- Summary page that lists high level statistics about the crash report.
- Summary page that identifies system determined fields.
- Support for night-time data entry mode.
- Use of an integrated diagramming tool.
- Ability to generate a preview of crash documents during crash data entry.
Recent updates
Based on feedback received from law enforcement personnel, TxDOT has made the following recent updates:
- Online query for searching crash data.
Future enhancements
TxDOT is working to improve CRASH through various updates. The goal is for each update to occur automatically.
Wherever automation is not possible, however, TxDOT will communicate with each agency to make sure the most current version of the application is running at all times.
Efforts are underway to make the following updates to CRASH in the future:
- Automated online training for CRASH.