Energy Sector Roadway Repair - request for qualifications (RFQ)
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Energy Sector Roadway Repair - request for qualifications (RFQ)

Authorizations and approvals

On July 25, 2013, the Texas Transportation Commission (TTC) authorized, in Minute Order 113648, that TxDOT issue a request for qualifications (RFQ) to design, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, and/or repair the Energy Sector Roadway Repair Project.

TxDOT held several Pre-QS Workshops in advance of the relese of the RFQ. 

Event Document Date
Webinar FAQ August 1, 2013
QS Workshop Notice August 2, 2013
QS Workshop Presentation August 15, 2013
QS Workshop Sign-In Sheet August 15, 2013

RFQ documents

On August 2, 2013, TxDOT distributed the original RFP and had one subsequent addenda. TxDOT posted the list of teams and equity members who submitted qualifications statements in response to the RFQ. The RFQ documents are available below.