Application of contract elements
Non-construction projects
Project Management of non-construction projects involves administering the contract elements required by state and federal regulations.
Non-construction activities include many of the same elements included in the project development phases for a construction project. However, application may differ in varying degrees.
A non-construction project is implemented using the Advance Funding Agreement (AFA) and any sub-agreements between the local government and consultants or service providers.
It is not uncommon for circumstances to arise that require changes to the scope of work, deliverables, or schedule contained in these agreements. The local government is responsible for coordinating closely with the TxDOT PM (district or TPP) regarding all contract amendments.
All federal aid projects are subject to the following requirements:
- Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program.
- Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Equal Opportunity Employment.
- Lobbying Disclosure and Certification.
More information
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