FM 1929 San Angelo
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San Angelo - FM 1929

San Angelo - FM 1929 scope

The pilot project is located on FM 1929 from the intersection with US 83 to Lake County Road. The section of roadway is approximately 8.5 miles long and lies at the northern edge of Concho County within the San Angelo District. The roadway acts as a rural route, connecting US 83 to several county roads. The project includes rehabilitation and widening of the existing roadway. The project will begin design in the Fall of 2024 and letting is anticipated for Fall 2026. 

Project location (map)

Please see the Pilot Project Map for the most up to date project information and linework.

PM insights

What are you looking forward to on the project?  Implementing lessons learned from previous Digital Delivery pilot projects and training District staff on the new requirements, workflows, and efficiency enhancements from Digital Delivery.  

Is there anything unique about this pilot?  This will be the first pilot designed outside of Design Division; this one will be designed by San Angelo District staff.

Is there any technology you’re looking forward to piloting?  Item Types.  Even though they’ve been used on other pilot projects, they should improve efficiency and accuracy on this job, since we’re further along on the learning curve.

Goals and objectives piloted

Design: This pilot includes roadway, drainage and utilities modeling for the ultimate and phased condition, which will be used to evaluate design parameters, clash detection and constructability. This pilot will also test Digital Design Review requirements and

functionality during QC and district milestone reviews.

Additional pilot elements for design include:

  • Digital Delivery QC checklists
  • Model Development Standards and Level of Development
  • Standardized file naming convention
  • Enhancements to the ORD and PW workspace environments

Deliverables: This pilot is testing the delivery of models as legal documents, 3D model breaklines for Automated Machine Guidance, and reduced plan sheets.

Construction: This pilot will evaluate construction software that will assist during inspection for pilot elements such as: the replacement of plan sheets, model visualization, digital construction management, digital as-built processes, and measurement and payment of work.

Asset Management: The pilot team is utilizing item type attribution to provide pay item information within model elements so that the models can be used by various asset owners for maintenance and planning.