Memorial Sign Program
Traffic signs and signals

The Memorial Sign Program gives loved ones the opportunity to purchase and place a commemorative sign near the site of a crash.

The memorial sign includes the victim’s name and helps to raise awareness of preventable tragedies.

How do I apply?
- Complete a victim of motorcycle crashes application.
- Complete a victim of impaired driving application.
Frequently asked questions
Who is eligible?
- Motorcyclists killed by another driver's negligence.
- People killed in crashes caused by impaired driving.
What are the requirements?
- The crash must have occurred on the state highway system.
- A government document must indicate that either drugs or alcohol were factors in the fatal crash, or the person was killed while on a motorcycle. People found to have been responsible for fatal crashes are not eligible for the program.
How much does it cost?
- $350
Where will it be posted?
- We will install the sign as close as possible to the location of the crash based on traffic safety and space availability.
How long will it be up?
- Two years.
May I keep it?
- Yes. We will offer the sign to the applicant after it has been up for two years.