Statewide Multimodal Transit Plan
In 2023, Texans traveled more than 4 million miles each day using public transit. As our state’s population and economy continue to grow, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is working on a Statewide Multimodal Transit Plan (SMTP) to help the department and its partners plan for the movement of people in a comprehensive, coordinated, multimodal transportation system.
The SMTP aligns with other ongoing statewide planning efforts including the Active Transportation Plan and Connecting Texas 2050, aiming to identify actions necessary to increase mobility and connectivity, account for anticipated population and economic growth, and address congestion through 2050.
The SMTP will identify needs, gaps, and actions that increase mobility and connectivity options for all Texans, support economic development, and address congestion in regional and intercity corridors through 2050. It will be inclusive of all current and emerging forms of public transportation, supporting technologies, and intersections with other modes.
Planning for our transportation future together
The SMTP is focused on gathering information about how Texans use transit, where opportunities and gaps lie, and what value transit brings to Texans and the Texas economy. In alignment with the plan development process, TxDOT has initiated the following public engagement activities:
- Collected 2,198 public survey responses in late 2023
- Engaged with 617 people at 20 in-person pop-up events throughout Texas in late 2023
- Held meetings with SMTP Steering Committee, TxDOT districts, metropolitan transit authorities, transit operators, and the Public Transportation Advisory Committee in Fall 2023 and Spring 2024
- Kicked off six Emphasis Area Working Groups in Spring 2024
- Rolled out Spring 2024 public awareness campaign
- Held pop-up events in all 25 TxDOT Districts through the SMTP Fall 2024 outreach campaign
With input from stakeholders and communities across the state, these two draft plans will lay out a coordinated, unified vision for transit and active transportation priorities through 2050 and beyond. Both aim to identify actions necessary to increase mobility and connectivity, account for anticipated population and economic growth, and provide Texans with more ways to move.
Updated November 2024