US 70/84 Railroad Crossing Elimination Project
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US 70/84 Railroad Crossing Elimination Project

Project overview

A partnership between the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) has been developed to find a feasible and reliable option to alleviate various concerns at the Texas and New Mexico State line in Parmer County, TX and Curry County, NM. This partnership has allowed for both agencies to develop various schematic designs over various years to help alleviate congestion at the existing railroad crossing at the Stateline in the community.

While both agencies have heard separate recounts from community members and the traveling public, an increased need to find a solution has come to fruition as a proposed addition of a rail line is forthcoming in the communities at the state line. This addition of rail capacity has driven recent efforts by both agencies to find a solution for travelers on US 60, FM 292, and US 60/70/84.

Various public engagement activities have occurred and will continue to occur pending a final schematic design selection.

BNSF services the rail line of concern and is participating with both agencies to find funding availability for construction of a railroad bridge crossing, which would eliminate surface crossing by vehicles and pedestrians.

Please visit each public meeting page for supplemental information while this project page is being developed and continuously updated.

Project purpose

The purpose of the proposed project is to improve mobility, connectivity, and safety by eliminating at-grade railroad crossings on state roadways. The project area began with the City of Farwell in Texas but has developed into a project area in two communities along the Stateline of Texas and New Mexico. With this development comes partnership between TxDOT Lubbock District and NMDOT District 2.

Additionally, this proposed project will enhance the roadway to provide continuous access without train delay. This project area encompasses two Freight Network roadways for the State of Texas and the National Highway System.

Public outreach

All activities performed with public outreach include stakeholders, community members, and access for review by the public.

Please access information presented at each public outreach by reviewing the project meeting pages linked below.

Upcoming public outreach

Previous public outreach

As result of public input at the first two meetings, a new preliminary railroad bridge design was developed and presented to the communities of Farwell and Texico during special public outreach events hosted May 9, 2024 in Texico, New Mexico. This public outreach allowed both agencies the opportunity to determine if this new design could alleviate concerns identified at previous public meetings. To learn more about that meeting, click on May 2024 above. Results and input from that outreach are currently being evaluated, and both agencies will determine if there is a need for supplemental public meetings and/or public hearings.

Project status

The project development process consists of four phases, each involving stakeholder and public engagement. The timeline of each phase noted above are only estimates.

  • A Route Study was conducted with preliminary open houses in 2023. Please find that information at the previous public meeting page.
  • The environmental study phase and completed schematic design are estimated to be completed in spring 2026. Results from the environmental study are required before we can move forward to complete the schematic design.
  • As of Fall 2024, project staff is addressing comments receieved in previous public engagement opportunitiess and are evaluating this to improve mobility.  Click here for more information.
  • The next project phase would involve right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation, and final design. This phase typically takes an additional one to three years to complete. This is where offers and negotiations would occur with property owners to acquire needed right of way. Once this phase is completed, the project can move into construction, if construction funding is available.

The combined project development phases may take anywhere from eight to 12 years, which is all dependent on the availability of funding and agreements with primary stakeholders. Advancement from phase to phase is contingent upon the outcome of the previous phase, and the availability of funding.

Get involved

The purpose of open houses and public meetings are to share project information and updates. At these events, both agencies present proposed schematics for the proposed project. It is the goal of public outreach to collect input from the community and traveling public about access improvements.

The New Mexico Department of Transportation and the Texas Department of Transportation are partnering to develop a feasible and mobile design while working closely with the affected communities on this project.

Links to the meetings will be provided on this webpage as they are scheduled.

Contact us

At any point in the projects development phases, you may reach out to the Texas Department of Transportation's Lubbock District with feedback or questions. You may contact or submit a comment using one of the methods below:

Texas Department of Transportation
Attention: ENV Office
135 Slaton Road
Lubbock, TX 79404

All your feedback, comments, and questions will be given careful consideration and responded to in a summary report that will be posted on the project website once the comment and review period is completed.

*Submit comments for public view: Comments provided at any of the available in-person public meetings or during a comment review period relating to a public meeting or hearing will be address in a public meeting/hearing document summary. You can always provide a comment by email, mail, or in-person during a public meeting for this project.