I-30 West Project from I-820 to Camp Bowie Boulevard
Interstate 30 is one of the main east-west corridors through the cities of Fort Worth, White Settlement, Benbrook, and the towns of Westover Hills and Westworth Village in Tarrant County.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Tarrant County was ranked as the fifth fastest growing county in the United States between 2010 and 2019. This growth is the catalyst for the need to expand the existing transportation infrastructure.
TxDOT previously conducted the I-30 West Corridor Study, which detailed project limits between I-820 and Chisholm Trail Parkway. The study was held to develop proposed improvements that would increase capacity, improve safety and mobility and ease congestion in this area. During the corridor study, a series of public meetings were held in March 2022 to present alternatives for the main lanes and the I-30 interchange with Spur 341 and SH 183. Following the completion of the study, TxDOT concluded that the project would not include tolled or express lanes and would instead include additional general purpose lanes.
The section along I-30 between Camp Bowie Boulevard and Chisholm Trail Parkway is not included in the Design Schematic & Environmental Assessment for this project.
Proposed benefits
The TxDOT Fort Worth District I-30 West project from I-820 to Camp Bowie Boulevard proposes improvements that would increase capacity, improve safety and mobility and ease congestion in this area. The proposed project is approximately 11 miles long (including I-30, I-820, Spur 341 and SH 183) and extends through portions of the cities of Fort Worth and White Settlement, located within Tarrant County, Texas.
Proposed improvements
Proposed improvements include the addition of 4 non-tolled general-purpose lanes in each direction, continuous frontage roads, improvements to ramps and cross streets including the I-30/I-820, I-30/Spur 341, and I-30/SH 183 interchanges within the project limits, and the addition of shared-use paths along the project for improved bicycle and pedestrian accommodations where feasible.
As the project progresses, public involvement will be a key component of the project. Interested residents as well as property and business owners can provide comments at future public meetings and hearings planned at key milestones during the project.
Get involved
The public will be able to gather information, review schematic plans, meet with TxDOT and consultant staff (in-person or virtually), ask questions, and provide comments regarding the proposed design, right-of-way and potential environmental impacts during upcoming meetings. The following is a tentative meeting/hearing schedule:
- Public meeting: anticipated late summer 2023
- Public hearing: anticipated late summer 2024