FM 2347 (George Bush Drive) raised medians
TxDOT's Bryan District is developing plans to improve safety along FM 2347 (George Bush Dr.) from FM 2154 (Wellborn Road) to BS-6 (Texas Avenue) in Brazos County. The project would construct additional raised medians on FM 2347 to enhance safety within this section of roadway. This design would reduce conflicts from traffic entering the roadway from adjacent properties and local streets. Re-surfacing the pavement and upgrades to sidewalks would be part of this project.
Each year, TxDOT reviews our roadway system to determine priority locations for safety improvements. This section of FM 2347 was evaluated and selected for project development, design, and construction. The Bryan District office is studying design alternatives and investigating potential environmental impacts. The construction plans will be prepared for the most appropriate design with a target construction date of Jan. 21, 2020.
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- Schematic - updated Apr. 9, 2020