FM 973 realignment
TxDOT's Austin District is proposing to realign FM 973 in a new location between US 290 and SH 130 in east-central Travis County.
The purpose of the proposed project is to improve mobility and connectivity and provide additional roadway capacity to meet future traffic demands due to population growth. Various alignment alternatives have been evaluated with the goal of upgrading the existing FM 973 and realigning the roadway around the city of Manor.
The proposed project would:
- Extend for approximately 5.6 miles between US 290 and SH 130
- Consist of four travel lanes (two in each direction) separated by a grassy median, with turn lanes in various locations
- Include a shared-use path
- Include a typical right-of-way width of 200 feet
- Require between 71 and 122 acres of right of way
Public involvement
The purpose of the open houses and public hearings is to share project information and updates, present proposed schematics of the proposed project and alternatives, and collect input from the community. TxDOT is committed to working closely with the community on this project. All input will be considered as TxDOT moves forward in developing a plan that will enhance the safety of this corridor while preparing for future growth.
- Open house - Dec. 7, 2017
- Virtual public hearing with in-person option - Aug. 11, 2022
- Notice of availability of final environmental assessment - Dec. 15, 2022
- Notice of availability of finding of no significant impact - Jan. 20, 2023