Bicycle Tourism Trails Study
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Bicycle Tourism Trails Study

In response to the 2005 Texas Bicycle Tourism Trails Act, TxDOT collaborated with its Bicycle Advisory Committee to investigate the development of a statewide bicycle tourism trail network. TxDOT’s Bicycle Tourism Trails Study applied quantitative and qualitative routing criteria to provide an example network of tourism bikeways statewide. The products resulting from this study serve as an initial high-level network analysis for statewide bicycle tourism consideration and future development. A more thorough analysis of local conditions and extensive stakeholder engagement will be needed to advance example network routes.

A network of bicycle tourism trails across Texas would highlight the natural, historic, and exceptional landscapes across the many unique regions of the state. These tourism trails have the potential to attract bicyclists from around the world, showcase communities across the state, and boost economic development. The bicycle tourism trail network could also provide recreational and travel opportunities for local Texans craving a Monday-night ride, an alternative route to work, or perhaps a family weekend adventure.

The final report documents TxDOT’s recommended bikeway accommodations and design criteria for bikeways developed as bicycle tourism trails in Texas. The final report also outlines bikeway design recommendations, challenges, and considerations for various bikeway types. TxDOT supports the development of safer bicycle tourism trails for users of all ages and all abilities.

The development of a bicycle tourism network in Texas is envisioned to be a long-term collaborative process built incrementally over many years in partnership with multiple public, private, and nonprofit partners. Opportunities to develop segments may exist where roadway improvements or maintenance is planned. Other segments may be developed as independent projects. Any entity interested in developing a portion of a Texas Bicycle Tourism Trail is encouraged to contact TxDOT’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program.



Example network maps 

Example network on TxDOT's statewide planning map

  • TxDOT Bicycle Tourism Example Network routes can be viewed on TxDOT's interactive statewide planning map. This map allows users to turn on and off various geodata layers, which are located along the left panel of the screen. Scroll down towards the bottom and click "TxDOT Bicycle Tourism Example Network" to turn on this layer. Click "Legend" at the top left of the screen to get more information about this layer.