Traffic Noise Toolkit
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Traffic Noise Toolkit

Traffic noise compliance is governed by sections of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that address the avoidance and mitigation of traffic noise impacts resulting from roadway projects and the Federal Aid Highway Act. This act mandates FHWA to develop and promulgate guidelines and standards for highway noise levels. Environmental practitioners can use these tools to prepare materials compliant with those regulations.

Questions? Contact the traffic noise specialist at 512-416-3025.

2019 Noise Policy and guidance

Title Date Description
Guidance: Traffic Noise Policy Implementation 09/24 Describes the implementation TxDOT’s Traffic Noise Policy and the requirements of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Noise Standard at 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 772.
Memo - TxDOT 2019 Traffic Noise Policy 02/19 Provides a summary of the changes between the 2011 Guidelines and the 2019 Noise Policy.
2019 Noise Policy: Roadway Traffic and Construction Noise 02/19 Describes TxDOT’s policies for implementation of the requirements of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Noise Standard at 23 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 772. Effective date for this policy is December 31, 2019.
Memo - Noise Barrier Reasonable Cost Proposal Update 09/24 Provides the updated FHWA-approved wall-only cost per square foot value for cost reasonableness.
User's Guide: Traffic Noise Model 2005 A detailed guide to using FHWA's Traffic Noise Model 2.5 for TxDOT projects

Templates and spreadsheets

Title Date Description
Standard Language for Documenting Traffic Noise Analyses 09/24 Standard text to be used when preparing NEPA documents specific to traffic noise.
Template: No Noise Impact 03/20 Used for the traffic noise analysis report when the noise analysis indicated no predicted noise impacts.
Template: Noise Impacts No Abatement 03/20 Used for the traffic noise analysis report when the noise analysis indicated predicted noise impacts, but no noise abatement is proposed.
Template: Noise Impacts with Abatement 03/20 Used for the traffic noise analysis report when the noise analysis indicated predicted noise impacts and noise abatement is proposed.
Form - Constructability Assessment for Proposed Noise Barrier 09/24 Used to document a determination by the design engineer of whether it is feasible and reasonable to design and construct a proposed noise barrier, based on site constraints or other factors.
Alternate Barrier Cost Assessment Worksheet 09/24 Used for the Alternate Barrier Cost assessment to determine if projected costs directly associated with the construction of a proposed barrier would be unreasonably high, and therefore not cost reasonable.
Template: Letter Related to Noise Contours for Land Use Planning 03/20 Used to inform local officials regarding TxDOT's responsibilities regarding noise abatement for new development once an environmental decision has been made.
Noise Barrier Tracking Spreadsheet 08/19 Used to complete the “Perform Noise Mitigation” Activity in ECOS.

TxDOT noise brochures

Title Date Description
Building Barriers to Traffic Noise Brochure 07/16 Informs the public about noise pollution, how it is measured and what steps are appropriate to mitigate excessive traffic noise
Construyendo Barreras al Ruido del Tráfico Folleto 07/16 Spanish language brochure of Building Barriers to Traffic Noise brochure

Noise workshop templates

Title Date Description
Template: Noise Workshop Invitation 08/20 Used to prepare an invitation or notice for a noise workshop meeting to discuss a proposed traffic noise barrier
Template: Noise Workshop Ballot 08/20 Used to prepare a ballot for eligible property owners and residents to vote on a proposed traffic noise barrier
Template: Documentation of Noise Workshop Cover Page 08/19 Used to complete the "Perform Noise Workshop" Activity in ECOS

FHWA regulations and guidance

Title Date Description
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 23, Part 772: Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise   Provides FHWA procedures for noise studies and noise abatement measures pursuant to the standards mandated by 23 USC 109, and all highway projects developed in conformance with this 23 CFR 772 have met the FHWA noise standards
FHWA Highway Traffic Noise Website   Provides guidance to control the undesirable effects of highway traffic noise using a three-part approach: noise compatible planning, source control and highway project noise mitigation
Highway Traffic Noise: Analysis and Abatement Guidance   Provides guidance from FHWA for the applying the strictly voluntary 23 CFR 772 in the analysis and abatement of highway traffic noise based on lessons learned and best practices; it does not constitute the establishment of an FHWA standard
FHWA Highway Traffic Noise: Traffic Noise Model Web Page   Provides guidance about the background of the FHWA Traffic Noise Model (FHWA TNM) and links with additional information
FHWA Highway Traffic Noise: Measurement of Highway-Related Noise Web Page   Provides guidance for measuring different aspects of highway noise to determine or predict community impacts during urban planning; for using a precise, uniform, field measurement practice that allows a valid comparison of results from similar studies performed by a variety of transportation practitioners and researchers; and for determining existing noise in the vicinity of a highway or determining vehicle noise emissions