Natural Resources Toolkit
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Natural Resources Toolkit

Transportation projects must comply with federal regulations governing the method and requirements for protecting and managing many natural resources. TxDOT designed tools for environmental practitioners to use to meet these compliance obligations for the following laws and resources.

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Coastal Barrier Resources Act

Title Date Description
Environmental Handbook for Coastal Barrier Resources Act 12/23 Provides a regulatory background and outlines the steps to document compliance with the CBRA
John H. Chafee Coastal Barrier Resources System: Texas   Provides the official CBRS map of Texas, depicting specific units of land and associated aquatic habitats that serve as barriers protecting the Gulf Coast
Coastal Barrier Resources System Mapper - Beta   An interactive, unofficial mapping tool to help determine if proposed project sites are within the CBRS and displays boundaries representative of the official maps but not considered authoritative
16 USC 3505: Exceptions to Limitations on Expenditures   Lists the requirements for the two types of CBRA exceptions applicable to transportation projects

Farmland Protection Policy Act

Title Date Description
Environmental Handbook for Farmland Protection Policy Act 12/23 Outlines the regulatory background and documentation requirements necessary to prepare project-specific, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation compliant with the FPPA
U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmland Conversion Impact Rating (AD-1006)   Used to record and communicate project specific data for non‑corridor projects that impact potentially protected farmland
Farmland Conversion Impact Rating for Corridor Type Projects (NRCS-CPA-106)   Used to record and communicate project specific data for corridor type projects that impact potentially protected farmland
7 CFR 657: Prime and Unique Farmlands   Codifies, in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), the NRCS regulations for determining the best land for producing food, feed, fiber forage and oilseed crop, and identifying prime and unique farmlands
7 CFR 658: Farmland Protection Policy Act   Requires federal agencies to use the criteria to identify and take into account the adverse effects of their programs on the preservation of farmland; consider alternative actions, as appropriate, to lessen adverse effects; and ensure that programs, to the extent practicable, are compatible with state and units of local government and private programs and policies to protect farmland
Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey   Provides an interactive mapping tool with soil data and information and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world
Soil Survey Manual   Provides the major principles and practices for making and using soil surveys and for assembling and using related data; primarily for use by soil scientists who classify and map soils and interpret soil surveys
Part 523 – Farmland Protection Policy Act Manual, Subpart A – General Information   Guidance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) FPPA Manual
National Soil Survey Handbook   Provides operational and procedural guidance for conducting the NRCS portion of the National Cooperative Soil Survey program

State and federal protected species

Title Date Description
Standard Operating Procedure: entering Into an agreement with a mitigation provider for Section 7 Conservation Measures 03/24 A standard operating procedure outlining the process for the department delegate to enter into an agreement with a mitigation partner.
Template for Biological Evaluation (BE) for Informal Consultation with the USFWS or Biological Assessment (BA) for Formal Consultation with the USFWS 01/21 Used in combination with the documentation standards to prepare a Biological Assessment (BA) for formal consultation or a Biological Evaluation (BE) for informal consultation with the USFWS. Required to complete the "Obtain ESA Consultation" Activity in ECOS.
Form: Species Analysis 08/24 Used to complete the "Perform Species Analysis" Activity in ECOS
Species Analysis Spreadsheet 07/24 Used to complete the "Perform Species Analysis" Activity in ECOS
Instructions: Preparing a Species Analysis Spreadsheet 08/24 Detailed instructions on how to complete the TxDOT species analysis spreadsheet
Guidance: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Coordination Under the 2021 Memorandum of Understanding 04/22 Used to standardize implementation of the 2021 MOU with TPWD for the review and coordination of transportation projects codified under Title 43, Texas Administrative Code, Part 1, Chapter 2, Subchapter G, §§2.201-2.207
Flow Chart: TxDOT Process for Species/Habitat Analysis and Endangered Species Act Consultation 04/22 Outlines the process for completing a species analysis and ensuring compliance with ESA
Form: Documentation of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Best Management Practices 04/22 Used in conjunction with coordination with TPWD under the 2021 MOU
Flow Chart: Texas Parks and Wildlife Coordination Process Figure 04/22 Outlines the process for coordinating with TPWD and implementing species BMPs
Beneficial Management Practices: Avoiding, Minimizing, and Mitigating Impacts of Transportation Projects on State Natural Resources 12/24 Provides a list of TPWD best management practices to avoid or minimize potential impacts to natural resources. These practices should be considered for transportation projects per the 2021 TPWD MOU.
Guidance: Conducting Habitat Assessments and Presence/Absence Surveys 09/21 Used to standardize the minimum the minimum level of effort for conducting habitat assessments and presence/absence surveys
Form: Documentation of Applicability of Programmatic Consultation with USFWS 06/24 Used to document applicability of a programmatic consultation in the "Obtain Endangered Species Act (ESA) Consultation" Activity in ECOS
Guidance: Voluntary Conservation Measures for Karst Invertebrates, Aquifer Invertebrates, and Salamanders for Biological Assessments and Biological Evaluations 05/22 Used in combination with the documentation standards to prepare a Biological Assessment (BA) for formal consultation or a Biological Evaluation (BE) for informal consultation for Karst Invertebrates, Aquifer Invertebrates, and Salamanders with the USFWS.
Environmental Handbook: Ecological Resources 11/24 Provides a regulatory background for compliance with federal regulations, except for the Endangered Species Act
Environmental Handbook: Endangered Species Act 11/20 Provides a regulatory background on compliance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 and consideration of the protection and management of imperiled species and their ecosystems
Documentation Standard for Biological Assessment or a Biological Evaluation 01/21 Used to prepare a Biological Assessment (BA) for formal consultation or a Biological Evaluation (BE) for informal consultation with the USFWS.
Guidance: Addressing the Monarch Butterfly in a TxDOT Species Analysis 07/24 This document provides guidance for addressing effects to the monarch butterfly in a TxDOT species analysis spreadsheet.
Guidance: Complying with Laws Protecting Birds and Managing Potential Violations 01/23 Describes TxDOT’s responsibilities to comply with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act 16 USC §703-711 and Parks and Wildlife Code Title 5, Subtitle B, Chapter 64, Birds
Guidance: Assessing Project Impacts to Eastern Black Rail (Laterallus jamaicensis ssp. jamaicensis) 06/24 Provides standards for habitat assessments, presence/absence surveys, and voluntary conservation measures for the federally threatened Eastern Black Rail.
Guidance: Texas Kangaroo Rat Survey Methodology Recommendations 01/25 Provides standards for habitat assessments and presence/absence surveys for the federally proposed endangered Texas kangaroo rat.

Protected species agreements with resource agencies

Title Date Description
Endangered Species Act Programmatic Consultation Agreement Covering Minor Projects for Eurycea Salamanders and Karst Invertebrates (WAC, AUS, SAT) 05/23 Address project effects to Eurycea salamanders and terrestrial karst invertebrates in WAC, AUS, and SAT Districts under the Endangered Species Act, for geotechnical boreholes, SUE test holes, and installation of traffic signal infrastructure, ITS, MBGF, headlight barriers, illumination poles, guardrail end treatments, cable barrier, small and large signs, illumination poles, noise wall columns, and joint-bid utility poles projects that “may affect, but are not likely to adversely affect” the species.
Endangered Species Act Programmatic Consultation Agreement for Houston Toad 02/21 This programmatic consultation addresses project effects to the Houston toad under the Endangered Species Act, for projects that “may affect, but are not likely to adversely affect” the species.
Endangered Species Act Programmatic Consultation Agreement for Red-cockaded Woodpecker 03/22 Provides a programmatic approach to address project effects to the Red-cockaded Woodpecker under the Endangered Species Act, for projects that “may affect, but are not likely to adversely affect” the species
Endangered Species Act Programmatic Consultation Agreement for the Black-Capped Vireo and Golden-Cheeked Warbler 07/17 Letter agreement provides a programmatic approach to address project effects to Black-Capped Vireo and Golden-Cheeked Warbler under the Endangered Species Act, for projects that “may affect, but are not likely to adversely affect” the species
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 09/21 The purpose of this MOU is to define the process for coordinating transportation projects with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to facilitate the protection of the natural environment. It is found in Title 43, Part 1, Chapter 2, Subchapter G of the Texas Administrative Code

Water resources

Title Date Description
TxDOT Water Submittal Geodatabase Template 12/22 Use when submitting delineated water features to TxDOT/ENV as laid out in the Instructions: Wetland and Streams Delineation Data document
Instructions: Wetland and Stream Delineation Data 07/22 Instructions for providing ENV with wetland and stream delineation data for inclusion in ENV’s statewide database (“TxDOT Waters”)
Documentation Standard for Interim Hydrogeomorphic Functional Assessment 07/22 Instructions for preparing an Interim Hydrogeomorphic (HGMi) Functional Assessment in accordance with guidance from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Documentation Standard for Level 1 Stream Assessment 07/22 Instructions for preparing a Level 1 - Stream Condition Assessment
Flowchart: Water Process for Section 404 05/24 Presents a roadmap for Section 404 ECOS steps and required documentation
Flowchart: Water Process for Section 401 Water Quality Certification 05/24 Presents a roadmap for obtaining TCEQ Section 401 Water Quality Certification
Form: Surface Water Analysis 05/24 Used to complete the "Perform Surface Water Analysis" Activity in ECOS
Guidance: Reasonable Assurances for Water Resources Activities 06/22 Guidance and go bys for creating reasonable assurances for ECOS water resources activities when changing milestones.
Template: Water Features Delineation Report 10/24 Used to complete the "Obtain Section 404/10 Permit" Activity in ECOS
USACE OMBIL Regulatory Module (ORM) 02/23 USACE requested table to be submitted with the Water Features Delineation. Information on all waters and aquatic features must be documented regardless of jurisdiction.
Instructions - Preparing a Section 404/10 Impacts Table 04/20 Used to complete the "Obtain Section 404/10 Permit" Activity in ECOS
Template: Section 404/10 Impacts Table 07/21 Used to complete the "Obtain Section 404/10 Permit" Activity in ECOS
Documentation Standard for USACE Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) 07/22 Used to prepare a PCN for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
Environmental Handbook for Water Resources 08/23 Provides a regulatory background for and outlines the TxDOT process and steps necessary to document compliance with the regulations concerning the management of water resources
Water Resources Handbook Companion Viewer 09/21 Shows available water resources data that may be useful for compliance with regulations that are addressed, as applicable, during TxDOT’s environmental clearance process.
Standard Operating Procedure: Acquiring and/or Purchasing Section 404 Compensatory Mitigation Credits 03/24 Outlines the process for the TxDOT delegate to acquire wetland mitigation credits from TxDOT mitigation banks, or purchase wetland/stream mitigation credits from a third party mitigation bank.
Standard Operating Procedure: Conducting Section 404 Compensatory Mitigation via Permittee Responsible Mitigation (PRM) 11/24 This standard operating procedure (SOP) outlines the process for a TxDOT district to fulfill the requirement of wetland/stream compensatory mitigation under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act via Permittee Responsible Mitigation (PRM).
Flowchart: Compensatory Mitigation for Section 404 11/24 A flowchart to assist practitioners in determining the appropriate type of 404 compensatory mitigation and steps needed to satisfy the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) requirements.
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): Sole Source Aquifers – Safe Drinking Water Act 06/18 MOU between TxDOT and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) describes the consultation and review process for Federal-aid highway projects which may affect water quality in designated sole source aquifers. This MOU is pursuant to Section 1424(e) of the Safe Drinking Water act (PL 93-523)
Best Value Mitigation Table Template 03/24 Template used by the project sponsor or department delegate for the purpose of identifying all the USACE approved compensatory mitigation banks.