CAV task force subcommittees
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CAV task force subcommittees

CAV task force subcommittees examine a broad range of applicable topics and may share some topics with other subcommittees. Each year, subcommittees pick emphasis areas to help advance the connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) environment within the state of Texas and help develop a product on that topic. Topics may be updated over time as the nature of the CAV environment changes.

CAV task force subcommittees:

  • Data, conncetivity, cyber security, and privacy 
  • Education, communication, and user needs 
  • Freight and delivery 
  • Licensing and registration
  • Safety, liability, and responsibility

Data, connectivity, cyber security, and privacy subcommittee


Provide guidance and recommendations on preparing for CAV data and information, and supporting standards, systems, and architectures.


  • Architecture and standards,
  • Gaps
  • Mapping
  • Accuracy
  • Storage and ownership
  • Privacy and security
  • Sharing
  • Liability

Education, communication, and user needs subcommittee


Develop a strategy for education and communication of CAV to the general public. Identify the social needs that a spectrum of user groups encounter which can be improved with CAV.  Consider how to ensure we are hearing the users.


  • Activities
  • Marketing
  • Opportunities
  • Public education
  • Workforce development

Freight and delivery subcommittee


The freight and delivery subcommittee identifies the specific needs, challenges, and opportunities for freight movement that CAV solutions can address.


  • Operational
  • Trials and deployments
  • Delivery modes
  • Infrastructure
  • Maintenance
  • Networks
  • Workforce development

Licensing and registration subcommittee


The licensing and registration subcommittee reviews and addresses challenges with CAV laws, regulations, and procedures in Texas first, then nationally.


Training, education, endorsements and requirements for:

  • Passenger
  • Rental
  • Commercial
  • Remote operations
  • Personal delivery device



Safety, liability, and responsibility subcommittee


The safety, liability, and responsibility subcommittee examines the validity, verification, and assurance of safety concerns related to all modes of CAV.


  • Operations
  • Infrastructure
  • Insurance
  • Enforcement
  • Public education
  • Data sharing
  • Public safety
  • Licensing