Amarillo District Contacts and Offices
Contacts | Telephone |
Blair E. Johnson, P.E., District Engineer | 806-356-3200 |
Public Information Office | 806-356-3256 |
Business Operations Manager | 806-356-3210 |
General Information | 806-356-3200 |
Physical Address |
Mailing Address |
5715 Canyon Drive Fax |
5715 Canyon Drive |
Office Location | Area Engineer | Address and Telephone |
Amarillo | Joe Chappell, P.E. | 8401 S. FM 1541 Amarillo, TX 79118 806-378-0071 |
Dumas | Clint Harms, P.E. | 1249 N. Maddox Dumas, TX 79029 806-934-1122 |
Pampa | Zachary Mayer, P.E. |
12139 E. Frederic Ave. Pampa, TX 79066 806-665-2374 |
Office Location | Maintenance Supervisor | Address and Telephone |
Amarillo Expressway | Cody Harris | 8401 S. FM 1541 Amarillo, TX 79118 806-378-0073 |
Amarillo Loop | Kevin Allison |
7700 E. Loop 335 N. Amarillo, TX 79108 806-383-1661 |
Borger | Kelvin Britten | 2500 S. Cedar Borger, TX 79008 806-274-6741 |
Canadian | Nate Beavers | 11100 US 60 Canadian, TX 79014 806-323-6781 |
Canyon | Devin White | 305 W. US 60 Canyon, TX 79015 806-655-4372 |
Channing | Bart Lamberson | 200 Rock Island Channing, TX 79018 806-235-2692 |
Claude | Kevin Kerlee | 801 Hurley St. Claude, TX 79019 806-226-2321 |
Dalhart | Jack Phillips | 12190 US 87 Dalhart, TX 79022 806-249-2071 |
Dumas | Blake Tate | 1249 N. Maddox Dumas, TX 79029 806-935-4501 |
Groom | David Britten | 809 Front St. Groom, TX 79039 806-248-7555 |
Gruver | Michael Turner | 114 W. SH 15 Gruver, TX 79040 806-733-2334 |
Hereford | Sean Mays | 3869 US 385 Hereford, TX 79045 806-364-2262 |
Pampa | Jeffrey Holtkamp | 12129 E. Frederic Ave. Pampa, TX 79065 806-669-6401 |
Panhandle | Greg Mayfield | 101 S. Elsie Panhandle, TX 79068 806-537-3384 |
Perryton | Billy Hollowell | 1103 SH 15 Perryton, TX 79070 806-435-2532 |
Stratford | Jerry Ewers | 1202 E. Texas Ave. Stratford, TX 79084 806-396-2361 |
Vega | Justin Lawrence | 606 W. Vega Blvd. Vega, TX 79092 806-267-2219 |