SH 72 from Karnes County Line to 0.25 mile east of FM 2980
Project need and purpose
The project is needed because SH 72 within the project limits, is inadequate to meet current and future traffic demand, resulting in congestion and reduced mobility. The purpose of the proposed project is to improve mobility, add capacity, and enhance safety for existing and future residences and businesses in the project vicinity by widening the roadway from two lanes to four lanes, installing a flush median to separate traffic traveling in opposite directions, and smoothing curves.
Proposed improvements
The proposed project would widen SH 72 from two lanes to four lanes. The proposed improvements to SH 72 include the addition of one 12-foot-wide lane in each direction, a 4-foot-wide flush median, and 10-foot-wide shoulders. Approximately 98.24 acres of proposed right-of-way (ROW) would be required for the proposed project. Due to extensive utility conflicts near the western end of the project, a one-mile section of SH 72 has been shifted slightly to the south adjacent to the existing roadway. The proposed ROW is approximately 130 feet in width.