SH 72 from FM 237 to US 87
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is proposing to widen and reconstruct State Highway (SH) 72 from Farm-to-Market (FM) 237 to United States Highway (US) 87 in DeWitt County, Texas.
The proposed improvements to SH 72 from FM 237 to west of Douglas Street include the addition of one 12-foot-wide lane in each direction, a 4-foot-wide flush median between oncoming lanes, and 10-foot-wide shoulders. Additional turn lanes would be provided on SH 72 at FM 237, Blackwell/ Bell Road, and US 87 in Cuero. The proposed ROW is typically 140 feet wide. The proposed improvements to SH 72 from west of Douglas Street to US 87 in Cuero include reducing the 12-foot wide travel lanes to 11.5 feet, the addition of one 11-foot-wide lane in each direction, and a curb and gutter drainage system. No additional right of way (ROW) would be required from west of Douglas Street to US 87 in Cuero. The total length of the proposed project is approximately 14.0 miles.
Approximately 55.26 acres of proposed ROW would be acquired for the proposed project. No sidewalks or easements are currently proposed. No temporary or permanent easements are anticipated. The Guadalupe River bridge crossing located 1.1 miles west of the project’s eastern termini at US 87 in Cuero, is currently under construction as a separate project. Although included in the limits of this project, no additional work will be done on the Guadalupe River bridge crossing. The proposed project would involve an action in a floodplain.
The proposed project would, subject to final design considerations, require additional right-of-way and potentially displace two non-residential structures. Relocation assistance is available for displaced persons and businesses. Information about the TxDOT Relocation Assistance Program and services and benefits for displacees and other affected property owners, as well as information about the tentative schedule for ROW acquisition and construction, can be obtained from the TxDOT district office by calling (361) 293-4436.