FM 2271 Extension Regional Feasibility Study
Study overview
Bell County is one of the fastest-growing counties in Texas. TxDOT's Waco district is undertaking a study to examine the feasibility of extending FM 2271 in Bell County. Extending FM 2271 could increase connectivity in the area by offering additional travel options to residents and visitors. The current limits of FM 2271 and the entire study are shown on the map on this page.
A feasibility study is a multiphase process that develops and examines different alternatives for a proposed project or projects. A feasibility study begins by evaluating existing conditions in the area and identifying goals and objectives. Alternative concepts are proposed and analyzed. Recommended improvements are based on several factors, including the minimization of potential impacts to natural and cultural resources. Throughout the feasibility study, there are many opportunities for the public to provide input. For the FM 2271 feasibility study, the team will provide opportunities for the community to provide feedback on:
- Existing constraints
- Improvements needed
- Current and future concerns
- Preferred alignment
- Additional considerations for study team
Study objectives
The FM 2271 Extension Regional Feasibility Study is a comprehensive study that will examine the existing conditions in Bell County west of I-35 and identify and evaluate potential alternatives to extend FM 2271.
The study involves:
- Data collection and an inventory of existing transportation system features (including traffic origin and destination data, operating conditions, and safety issues)
- Analysis of current and future traffic forecasts and travel demand modeling
- Development of the purpose and need statement and project goals
- Development of inventory of environmental and community features
- Development of alternative improvements and preliminary cost estimates
- Identification of future projects
- Evaluation of potential impacts and cost-benefit analysis for proposed improvements
Project development process
Recommendations resulting from this feasibility study will follow the Killeen-Temple Metropolitan Planning Organization prioritization process as well as TxDOT’s project development process prior to construction. Within the project development process, advancing from one step to the next is contingent upon the outcome of the previous step and funding availability. The study recommendations may be broken into several environmental and construction projects that extend over a longer period of time.
Study schedule
The study began in Winter 2021 and TxDOT held the first virtual public meeting on May 5, 2021, with meeting materials available for review until May 21, 2021. A second virtual public meeting with an in-person option was held on Nov. 15, 2021. The third virtual public meeting with an in-person option will be held on April 14, 2022. Public involvement will be conducted throughout the study process. The draft feasibility report is expected in Spring 2022 and the final feasibility report is expected in Fall 2022.
Get involved
A critical element of a successful feasibility study is public and stakeholder engagement. The FM 2271 Extension Regional Feasibility Study will include a series of public meetings as well as meetings with other agencies and organizations and members of the community. The public will be invited to provide their input in a variety of ways, including virtual engagement and online surveys.
- Fact Sheet
- Study Location Map
- Documentation of Public Meeting - May 5, 2021
- Documentation of Neighborhood Workshop - Sept. 10, 2021
- Documentation of Public Meeting #2 - November 15, 2021
- Documentation of Public Meeting #3 - April 14, 2022
- Feasibility Study Report