FM 2493 - Loop 323 to FM 2813
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FM 2493 - Loop 323 to FM 2813

Project overview

Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Tyler District is preparing plans to widen and reconstruct FM 2493, commonly known as Old Jacksonville Highway, from Loop 323 south to FM 2813 in Gresham. FM 2493 is a major north-south corridor in Tyler and serves as a parallel roadway to South Broadway Avenue – one of Texas’ most congested roadways. This project will widen FM 2493 from 4- to 6-lanes and add raised medians.

FM 2493 is currently unable to efficiently accommodate existing or future traffic volumes, resulting in increasing congestion and reduced mobility. In 2019, approximately 32,000 vehicles per day (vpd) travelled the corridor. Traffic is projected to increase 65% by 2045, to 53,000 vpd. 

The purpose of the proposed project is to enhance safety and improve system mobility along the corridor by adding travel lanes, raised medians, and improving intersections.


Enhancements include:

  • Widening the roadway from 4- to 6- lanes with raised medians
  • Intersection improvements
    • Grande Boulevard overpass
    • Rice Road realignment
    • Capital Drive signal
    • Additional turn lanes at intersections and cross streets
  • Bicycle and pedestrian accommodations throughout corridor
    • 12-foot wide Shared Use Path west side, connecting to Legacy Trail
    • 6-foot sidewalk east side
  • Improve drainage structures

The 5.5-mile project will require approximately 27 acres of additional right of way (ROW). TxDOT is utilizing abandoned railroad corridor to minimize ROW needs.   

Project development

During project development, TxDOT encouraged community involvement. Three public meetings were held throughout the FM 2493 schematic process where vital input was gathered from the public. The following details summarizes what was presented at these public meetings:

  • Public Meeting #1: Tuesday, April 23, 2019
    • Multiple design alternatives presented for public consideration and comment, including innovative intersections and overpass at Loop 323.
  • Public Meeting #2: Thursday, Nov. 4, 2021
    • A “preferred” schematic design was presented for public consideration and comment, virtually and in-person, including traditional intersection at Loop 323 and overpass at Grande Boulevard.
  • Public Meeting #3: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 
    • A refined schematic design was presented for public consideration and comment, virtually and in-person, including reduced ROW, additional strategic median breaks, access improvements and intersection realignments.

TxDOT concluded its National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental review on July 5, 2023, finding the FM 2493 project would not have a significant effect on the environment.

Anticipated project schedule

  • Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) development – ongoing (began spring 2024)
  • ROW Acquisition – ongoing (began spring 2024) 
  • Utility relocations – beginning as early as fall 2026*
  • Construction – beginning as early as fall 2028*

* Dates subject to change
