I-10 from Loop 1604 to SH 130
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is conducting the I-10 Corridor Study to evaluate potential improvements along I-10 between Loop 1604 in San Antonio and SH 71 in Columbus to address current mobility and safety issues and improve the design to meet today’s higher standards, as well as consider future needs.This 100 plus mile study length is divided into five segments. Currently the first two segments that spans from Loop 1604 in San Antonio to SH 130 east of Seguin are under study to develop detailed engineering plans as well as the environmental documentation, including public involvement.
Proposed improvements
Improvements along I-10 are proposed to address current mobility and safety issues in the project area, bring the highway’s design up to current engineering standards, and accommodate future needs within the corridor. The proposed project includes the following improvements:
- Adding one mainlane in each direction, to bring the lane total to six mainlanes
- Upgrading some interchanges
- Converting existing two-way frontage roads to one-way frontage roads
- Adding frontage roads where they do not currently exist
- Adding auxiliary lanes along the mainlanes and frontage roads where needed
- Modifying ramp configurations to improve mobility
- Raising some bridges to provide greater vertical clearance
- Improving roadway design elements
- Adding pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements at key intersections, interchanges and frontage road locations
At this time, TxDOT does not anticipate the need to acquire significant new right of way or eliminate driveway access.
Public involvement
Opportunities for the public to review proposed improvements and provide feedback to the project team will be provided throughout the Corridor Study process for Segments 1 and 2. Because these Segments are located within TxDOT’s San Antonio District, additional information about these opportunities will be provided on the San Antonio District Project Study page. TxDOT will seek input from stakeholders who live, work and drive along the corridor; all of the comments received from stakeholders will be considered by the agency as the project develops.
Project schedule
The I-10 Corridor Study began in August 2016 and is expected to conclude in summer 2018.