US 69 center turn lane - Angelina County
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US 69 center turn lane - Angelina County

Project overview

US 69 serves as an important roadway for rural connectivity and hurricane evacuation. TxDOT is proposing to widen US 69 south of Lufkin to provide a 16-foot continuous two-way left turn lane and 10-foot shoulders. This project is dedicated to improving safety and mobility along US 69 from 0.9 mile North of FM 841 to 0.5 mile West of FM 1475. No roadway work or right of way (ROW) is proposed for the portion of US 69 between FM 841 and FM 326 since it currently provides four 12-foot lanes of traffic (two eastbound and two westbound), a 16-foot continuous left turn lane and 10-foot outside shoulders.

This project would also:

  • Reduce congestion
  • Enhance freight mobility along US 69
  • Provide a more efficient hurricane evacuation route

Proposed improvements

The approximately five-mile project includes:

  • Widening US 69 to provide two 12-foot northbound travel lanes and two 12-foot southbound travel lanes, 16-foot continuous two-way left-turn lane, and 10-foot shoulders
  • Expanding the existing right of way by 30-feet minimum to 80 feet maximum, an average of 55 feet, with no proposed displacements
  • Biloxi Creek and Buck Creek bridges will be replaced to accommodate the proposed 16-foot continuous two-way left turn lane

Next steps

  • TxDOT has begun ROW mapping and environmental studies.
  • Once ROW mapping is complete and the environmental documentation is approved, TxDOT will begin ROW acquisitions. ROW acquisitions are anticipated to begin in late 2023 and be completed as of Fall 2025. Utility relocations will begin shortly thereafter.
  • The detailed engineering plans, necessary permitting, and utility relocations are expected to be completed by Fall 2026.
  • Construction funding was identified in TxDOT’s Unified Transportation Program with an estimated date to take bids for construction in March 2027.

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