SH 225 and I-610E PEL Study Reports
In March 2020, TxDOT began the SH 225 and I-610E Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study to identify the purpose and need for improvements and determine recommended long-term solutions. The following reports summarize the data, screenings, and findings to support the recommended solutions.
PEL study report
PEL Study Report
This report provides a summary of the recommended alternatives also known as the PEL Recommendation per the findings identified by this PEL study. It provides an overview of the existing study area, existing and future transportation needs, alternative analyses, and public engagement that were used to determine the PEL Recommendation. The subsequent reports provide further details of items mentioned in this summary report.
Summary of previous studies
Summary of Previous Studies
This report includes a history of previous studies and proposed projects in the corridor. Pertinent information from these previous studies and projects was used to identify existing deficiencies and incorporate plans/findings of surrounding projects/studies for development of the alternatives.
Existing and future conditions
Traffic Projection Methodology Report
This report provides the background and methodology to projecting existing traffic volumes to the year 2045. This methodology will help to compare the impacts of the projected traffic volumes for the future no build and build alternatives.
Existing Conditions Analysis Report
This report provides detailed information on the existing traffic conditions and deficiencies that provide support for the study’s purpose and need.
No Build Report
This report provides detailed information on the future traffic conditions for 2045 that support the need for transportation improvements. The results of the no build will serve as a baseline throughout the study to compare to build alternatives.
Environmental constraints report
Environmental Constraints Report
This report supplies detailed information regarding the study area's environmental constraints.
Purpose and need
Purpose and Need Report
This report includes the purpose and need statement and provides supporting information for the development of the PEL recommendation(s). The purpose and need statement is the foundation for the screening criteria of the developed alternatives. The need portion of the statement identifies the deficiencies or problems within the existing transportation facility. The purpose portion of the statement sets the objectives to meet the transportation needs or deficiencies.
Alternative development and screening
Alternative Screening Methodology
This report provides a decision-making framework to determine how well each of the developed alternatives meets this PEL’s purpose and need.
Level 1 Screening: Universe of Alternatives
Level 1 is a qualitative screening of the universe of alternatives based on the purpose and need. Those alternatives that passed Level 1 screening were advanced to Level 2 as conceptual alternatives
Level 2 Screening: Conceptual Alternatives
Level 2 is primarily a qualitative screening (with some quantitative analysis) of the conceptual alternatives based on the purpose and need. Those alternatives that passed the Level 2 screening were advanced to Level 3 as viable alternatives.
PEL questionnaire
PEL Questionnaire
The PEL questionnaire summarizes the planning process of the SH 225 and I-610E PEL Study that can be used, in addition to the above detailed reports, for future NEPA documentation as projects that result from this PEL Study are identified.