FM 359 Fort Bend County
TxDOT is proposing to widen FM 359 from FM 1093 to Mason Road (CSJ 0543-02-075), a distance of approximately 9.5 miles in Fort Bend County, Texas, in an effort to improve traffic flow and increase mobility within the project area.
Before widening FM 359, TxDOT, in cooperation with Fort Bend County, is proposing to realign a section of FM 359; from FM 1093 to Fulshear-Gaston Road (CSJ 0543-02-078), by correcting a sharp S-curve from north of the intersection with McKinnon Road to south of the intersection with Fulshear-Gaston Road. The realignment will improve mobility and safety for motorists and bicyclists.
Current conditions
FM 359 from FM 1093 to Mason Road
- The roadway is a two-lane undivided road from FM 1093 to Mason Road.
FM 359 from FM 1093 to Fulshear-Gaston Road
- The existing roadway has one 12-foot lane with an eight-foot shoulder in each direction. There are no medians, pedestrian or bicycle accommodations. There is an existing overpass over FM 359 that connects the west and east sides of the Hines Nursery property. The existing right of way width is approximately 75 feet.
Project background
FM 359 from FM 1093 to Mason Road
- FM 359 serves as one of the main north-south major collectors between Brookshire, Fulshear and Richmond west of Houston.
- This area of Fort Bend County is planned for continued residential and commercial development; with the forecasted increase in development, the current two-lane road will not be able to accommodate the required capacity associated with the increase in traffic.
- There are congestion and safety concerns along the corridor.
FM 359 from FM 1093 to Fulshear-Gaston Road
- FM 359 intersects with McKinnon Road and Fulshear-Gaston Road on the sharp S-curve in FM 359. Straightening the curves and realigning the intersections would improve traffic safety.
- FM 359 is a popular cycling area; the addition of 10-foot shoulders and a straighter roadway would increase cyclist safety in the area.
Proposed improvements
FM 359 from FM 1093 to Mason Road
- Widen from two to four lanes, divided with a raised median
- Provide right- and left-turn lanes at major intersections
- Re-align several curves along the corridor
Next Steps
- Provide a second public meeting to show the recommended alignment
- Complete design and environmental clearance
- Provide a public hearing
FM 359 from FM 1093 to Fulshear-Gaston Road
- Smooth out sharp S-curve to increase safety
- Add 10-foot shoulders to accommodate bicycle traffic
- Realign FM 359 and Fulshear-Gaston Road intersection
Next Steps
- Provide a Notice of Opportunity to Comment to adjacent property owners
- Complete Design and environmental clearance
- Construction estimated to begin Early 2021
Get involved
Oct. 8, 2019 - Public Meeting FM 359 from FM 1093 to Mason Road